Page 112 of Catch My Fall

“Your parents’ house, there are construction workers on site as we speak, rebuilding the damage from the fire. We have interior designers drawing up plans for your approval of the layout and the decor.”

I gasp. “Are you serious?”

Gage nods.

“You really didn’t have to, it’s too much,” Alec says.

“Nothing is too much for our sister and our new brother. Give it a few months and the house will be ready for you both to start a life there as a family, if you want?”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Si, for so long I tried to keep this family together all under one roof, but I know now that it’s impossible,” Gage begins. “Rafe and Reese have their own lives, as do you and Alec now. I know how important the house is to you, to you both, and I know how significant it was in your recovery. You were happier there than you ever were back home and I get the feeling Halston hasn’t felt like a home for you in a long time. Sierra, you and Alec deserve all the happiness life has to offer, and if that’s here in Maine, then that’s where you need to be. It’ll fucking gut me to see you go, but I’ll know that you’re hap—”

I’m in my brother’s arms before I allow him to finish his sentence and the tears are falling before I can stop them. “You don’t know how much this means to me.”

He squeezes. “I think I do. The beaming smile on your face is a dead give away.”

I turn to hug Rafe. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“No sweat, sis. You’re worth it. Besides, gives us an excuse to get out of the city more often. You can take us out on that boat of yours, Al.”

“So, Mrs. McKenna—” Della starts.

“McKenna-Hudson,” I correct, linking my arm through Alec’s. “I’m a McKenna now, but first I was a Hudson and I always will be, I don’t want that to change.”

I never took myself to be a double-barrelled surname kind of girl, but it took me months to come to the decision to keep my maiden name. I’m proud of my family and as much as I will grow to love being Mrs. McKenna, I don’t want to let go of being a Hudson, so why not be greedy and have both?


“Mom and Dad would’ve been so proud of you today, Sierra,” Gage says as we sway to the song on the dancefloor.

“I wish they were here.”

“They are.” He smiles. “They’re probably up there somewhere crying their eyes out at how beautiful their daughter looks today and how crazy happy she is.”

Gage and Rafe both insisted on walking me down the aisle seeing as how Dad wasn’t here to do it and as much as I wished he was here today, I love my brothers more so than ever for giving me that experience.

Two arms band around my middle from behind. “Can I steal back my wife, please?” Alec asks, before dropping a kiss to my temple.

“Be my guest,” Gage replies. “I’ll find you for another dance later, sis.”

Alec takes my hand and tugs me away towards the door, leaving all of our guests behind us.

“You do realise everyone’s going to think we’ve snuck off to have sex?”

He chuckles. “Let them.”

“Where are you taking me?” I giggle as he tugs me down the corridor, every two of my steps matching every one of his, my heels clicking along the floor as I practically jog down the hall. I get my answer as we round the corner.

“The women’s bathroom… How romantic,” I say with a laugh.

He pulls me inside, letting the door swing shut behind us. He takes my face in his hands and crushes his lips to mine, his tongue wasting no time in sliding into my mouth. He tastes like champagne and chocolate.

“Thought I’d take us back to our first kiss,” he mutters against my lips before leaning in, stealing another kiss.

He walks me backwards until I’m pinned between his hard body and the wall at my back, the hardness in his pants digging into my lower belly, sending sparks of desire to my core.

I tug his shirt out from his pants and begin fumbling for the buttons, eager to feel the smooth, hard muscles of his abs against my hands.