“Alec and Sierra have both exchanged their vows to one another and declared their love before their family and their friends. Alec, Sierra, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. McKenna, you may now kiss your bride.”
“Finally,” I whisper, dropping Sierra’s hands to cup her cheeks as I fuse my lips to hers.
Her arms go around my neck, her fingers diving into my hair as I band an arm around her waist, reeling her into me as I deepen the kiss.
The cheers and applause of everyone around us fades away into nothing as I lose myself in my wife’s kiss.
My wife… I will never tire of hearing that.
“I love you,” I say against her lips, stealing not one but two more kisses from her mouth, not able to hold back the beaming smile from my lips as I peer down at her.
I’ve never meant those three words more than I do in this very moment. It feels like our lives have been leading up this day forever and that our love was inevitable from the very beginning. Little did I know that beautiful sassy girl who head-butted me in the chest in a hallway that day would be standing in front me as my wife.
“And I love you, Husband.”
“Fuck, never stop calling me that, princess.”
She smiles. “Never.”
“Congratulations!” My two best friends, Della and Reese envelope me in a crushing hug as the wedding reception gets underway.
“I’m so happy for you. God, did you see Alec’s face when you came down that aisle! He looked like he was going to cry you were so beautiful!” Reese gushes.
“Me too! Me too! I wanna hug Auntie Si!” Ivy bounces on her toes, her arms outstretched in front of us as Reese scoops her up, and the four of us embrace.
“You having fun, munchkin?” I ask her.
“Sooo much fun! I loves weddings. I can’t wait til I’m older and I can have a wedding too!”
“That won’t be for a long time, Ives. I won’t let it. Wanna keep you little like you are now for as long as I can,” Rafe comments.
“Oh, Daddy!” She pouts.
I pull away and turn to my brother. “I’m so proud of you, sis,” Gage says, drawing me in for a hug before I’m lifted off the ground by Rafe.
“I’m so fucking happy for you, Si,” he says before placing me safely back down on the ground, linking my fingers with Alec’s, my wedding ring sparkling under the lights.
I can’t believe I’m married. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet. In fact, the whole ceremony was a blur. One blink and a ring was on my finger and the Officiant was announcing us as husband and wife, but from what I do remember of it, I want to relive it over and over again.
One thing I do remember is turning the corner as I stared down at the long aisle, my brothers either side of me and looking up to see the most handsome man I’ve ever seen staring back, and that’s not just me being biased.
“So what time’s the flight to Italy?” Rafe asks.
The thought of my honeymoon has my stomach doing flips. I can’t wait to have my new husband all to myself.
“We leave at six in the morning, flight’s at nine,” Alec answers.
“Well, we can’t have you going off on your honeymoon without giving you your wedding present, can we?” Rafe smirks.
“It’s not lingerie is it?” I ask, because that’s something Rafe would do just for the fun of embarrassing me.
Rafe’s jaw drops. “However did you guess? Did Ree squeal on me?”
She swats him with the back of her hand and he laughs.
“Only kidding, little Hudson. Gage and I didn’t know what to get you both, so we did the one thing we knew you’d love the most, with a little help from Ray.”
My brother’s exchange a look before Gage clears his throat.