“Mars is pretty old.”
Was he? He didn’t look old. Dark and broody unless Devin was nearby, but Dillon wouldn’t describe him as old.
“I’m not. I’m one hundred thirteen. Which I would guess is about one-third of how old Mars is, maybe less. You trust him, right?”
Lee grunted. “You can trust him. Deep down, I think you know you can trust him.”
Dillon had sent him a text. He’d turned to Mars when he was afraid of going out on the patio when he feared someone would get to Devin.
When Dillon didn’t reply, Vampire Lee continued. “I’m not nearly as powerful as he is. I’m not saying I can’t control your mind, but I need eye contact to do it. Mars can influence you without looking at you. I could maybe nudge you if I tried, but I can’t make you do something you don’t want to do without looking into your eyes.”
It didn’t matter, since he could make Dillon forget he’d looked into his eyes.
“Come on, snuggle up, and let’s get some sleep.”
“Why would I cuddle with you?” He was insane.
“Because if you come closer, I can’t turn around and look at you without rolling over you, and you’d notice.”
“But it wouldn’t matter since you’d look into my eyes a second later and make me forget all about it.”
Vampire Lee moved toward him, back first, until he was in the middle of the bed and Dillon could pick between falling off the mattress or touching him.
He sighed and rested his forehead between Vampire Lee’s shoulder blades.
“Good boy.” Vampire Lee didn’t move. “Now sleep.”
Dillon snorted but closed his eyes.
Chapter 6
Lee woke to heat surrounding him and groaned before reaching down and palming his hard cock. He hoped whoever he’d hooked up with last night wasn’t in too much of a hurry this morning because he was horny as hell.
Cracking an eye open, the night came flashing back, and he yanked his hand away from his groin. Pissing hell.
The regular breaths ghosting over his bare back told him Dillon was still asleep. As gently as he could, he moved away.
He’d only moved an inch when a whimper sounded, followed by flailing arms.
“Easy. It’s a dream.” He reached behind him and patted Dillon’s thigh. Striped cotton pajama bottoms. Lee had seen them the night before, but he’d had other things on his mind than paying attention to what Dillon was wearing.
A knee hit him in the ass, and he grabbed it. Not hard, but hard enough to keep Dillon from kicking him. “Dillon.”
He didn’t turn around, kept his back to Dillon, but it was easy to tell the moment he woke. His entire body went stiff, and he didn’t breathe.
“Are you with me?” He didn’t look over his shoulder, but he wanted to. He wanted to see Dillon relaxed and sleep-rumpled. Except he wasn’t relaxed. Lee released his hold on his knee.
“Vampire Lee.” It wasn’t a question, more a defeated statement.
“Lee. When you’ve slept with me, it’s against the law to call me Vampire Lee.”
He’d hoped for a laugh or maybe a snort, but Dillon didn’t make a sound.
“Ready for some breakfast?” He didn’t know what time it was, but it was light outside and looked as if it’d been for a while.
“Eh…” Silence descended again, and Lee almost looked over his shoulder. Almost.