Page 23 of Vampire Lee

“Come on.” He rolled away from Dillon and got out of bed. He reached for his clothes on the armchair in the corner and got dressed. Dillon still hadn’t moved on the bed, and Lee sneaked a quick glance. He was staring at the ceiling, a small crease between his brows.


Dillon turned his way but yanked his gaze away before their eyes could meet. “Come on, breakfast. I have a meeting with the guys after.”

“The guys?”

“Your roommates. Some weird things are going on.”

Dillon stiffened, and Lee mentally cursed himself. Murrie had told him Dillon didn’t work for them. Maybe it meant they weren’t telling him things.

“What kind of things?”

Lee was quiet for a bit, long enough for Dillon to look at him. Not meeting his eyes but looking at his chest or maybe chin. “What kind of things?” There was an almost steely tone in his voice, and Lee was pleased to hear it.

“Fighting ring, we think. I heard some shit while working and told Murrie about it. Then one of the guys we suspect is involved took an interest in Rei, so we pretended to be a couple. When we left the bar yesterday, someone followed us to my apartment, so we snuck out and went here instead.”

“Vampires.” It wasn’t a question, but Lee treated it as if it had been.

“Shifters. I can’t promise no vampires are involved, of course. There most likely are some fighting. People like betting on interspecies fights. Wankers.” He hadn’t meant to snarl the last bit, but it was how it came out.

Dillon’s eyes widened. “Interspecies fights?”

“A vampire and shifter locked in a cage with no way out until one is dead or gravely injured. Some matches are to the death, others are not. Time will tell which kind we’re dealing with here.” Tension crept into Lee, and he curled his hands into fists.

“And they want Rei?” Dillon turned paler than before.

“Jaguars are rare, many would pay good money to see him fight.”

Dillon pushed up until he was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed. Lee wanted to crawl back in there with him. He looked away. Dillon wouldn’t want him to.

“You can’t let them have him.”

Lee sent him a quick grin. “You’re giving me far too much credit. I have little say in what’s going on in the world, but I’ll do my best to keep Rei safe. Though he can most likely do a better job of it than I can. He’s a jaguar, Dillon. You don’t need to worry about him.”

Unless they threw him in a pit with someone equally dangerous, of course. Or tipped the scales. Lee had seen how they mutilated some fighters to even the odds. A wave of nausea washed over him. Nope, not thinking about it.

Plus, wasn’t the plan for him to play leverage? It was the idea that had popped up in his mind when they’d come here last night. Pretend to be Rei’s lover, have them kidnap him or whatever to get Rei to come to them, only the entire fucking team would swarm the place and take everyone down. Yup, it was the plan. No one was to fight anyone in a cage. Lee didn’t do cages, and he sure as fuck didn’t subject his lovers, one-night stands or otherwise, to cages either.

“Come on. Breakfast.”

To his surprise, Dillon got off the bed and walked out of the room in front of him.

* * * *

Dillon hesitated outside his broken door. “You can go downstairs. I’ll get dressed.”

“I’ll wait.”

Hiding a grimace, Dillon entered the room. He’d spent the night in the same room as Vampire Lee—Lee now when they’d slept together. He huffed then quieted. How well did vampires hear? Not as well as shifters, he didn’t think.

He had slept. It was what puzzled him the most. He’d slept in the same bed as a vampire, his forehead resting against his bare back, and he didn’t think Lee had messed with him.

Clenching his ass, he then ran his fingers over his throat. No twinges and no sore spots. Maybe he’d fucked Lee. He fondled his limp dick. It had been limp for months, ever since he got out of the underground mansion. Part of him worried about it, another part couldn’t care less.

Nope, he didn’t think it had been used. No crusty semen or other signs, and his pajama bottoms were tied the same way they always were. On the other hand, if Lee had told him to tie them, he’d have tied them the same way he always did.

“When you said I’ve slept with you, you didn’t mean…” He let the words hang in the air, pretty sure Lee could hear him through the mostly closed door. It wasn’t shut all the way since it was broken, and he believed Lee was still waiting for him in the corridor.