“It’s okay. I don’t miss it.”
An outraged sound left Lee. “I can’t accept that.”
“What?” Dillon laughed. He didn’t know what else to do. “You can’t accept it?”
Lee looked into his eyes. “If you don’t want me, that’s one thing. I mean, I’m obviously a catch, but puny humans are stupid at times.” He winked. “But for yourself.”
“I have other problems, Lee. I’m more worried about getting a couple of hours’ uninterrupted sleep than getting an erection.”
“Will you let me try?”
“What? No!” He pushed at Lee, but he didn’t budge.
“You’re gay, right? Or bi at least.”
Dillon nodded. “Gay.” Though it didn’t matter when someone controlled your mind. Then you were whatever they wanted you to be.
“And you fancy me.” Lee wiggled his eyebrows. “Since I’m so handsome and all.”
“In a former life, yeah, I would’ve found you hot.” Dillon laughed at the absurdity of the conversation.
“So you’d be okay with me sucking you off?”
Dillon sighed. “In a former life, Lee. Now I know your teeth turn sharp, and being bitten in the dick hurts like hell.”
Lee reared back as if slapped. “What the fuck! I’m not gonna bite you. Who the hell would…” His voice died away, and he looked at Dillon. “No mouth, hands only.”
Dillon scrunched his nose and shook his head. “I…it would only be awkward.”
“I can work with awkward. I’m the king of awkward, believe me.”
“No, I would feel pressured and embarrassed and…I don’t know, something else not good.”
“No pressure, no embarrassment. Caresses, Dillon. Skin on skin. If you don’t get hard, you don’t get hard. There will be other opportunities.”
“You just want in my pants.”
Lee tugged at his shirt. “Come on, get rid of this.”
“No, I’ve got scars all over.”
“I know.”
Dillon frowned. “It doesn’t bother you?”
“It bothers me, but not in the way you think. Those scars shouldn’t be there. You can be bitten a thousand times without having a single scar. Them being there tells me they wanted them to be. Sane vampires don’t bite like that.”
Icy fear filled his core.
“Relax. I’m not going to. No teeth, promise. I’ll keep them in check.” He showed his teeth, and they looked human. Then he tugged at Dillon’s shirt again. “Skin, babe. It’ll feel good.”
Chapter 14
Lee watched the struggle in Dillon’s eyes and wanted to decide for him, wanted to pull the shirt off and be done with it, but he waited.
With a defeated sigh, Dillon pulled it over his head. Defeat wasn’t what Lee was going for, but he hid his expression and ran a hand over Dillon’s bare arm to his shoulder. Then he hugged him closer. They were bare chest to bare chest. He turned a little until Dillon was halfway on top of him.
“Watch the movie.”