“The movie?”
“Yeah, cuddling, undemanding, no awkwardness or embarrassment.”
“That ship sailed a long time ago.”
Lee huffed a laugh and kissed his forehead. “Nope.” He ran his hand over Dillon’s back, ignoring the ridges of the scars and reveling in the contact. He dug his fingers into tense muscles, and Dillon let out a low moan. Good.
The movie played out before Lee’s eyes, but he no longer had any idea what was happening. His gaze might be on the TV, but his focus was on Dillon. His fingers searched for tense muscles and kneaded them. He was glad he was a vampire, or his fingers would’ve given out on him before long.
Dillon allowed the occasional groan to slip out, and now and then he squirmed against Lee to get his fingers to where he wanted them. When he reached his shoulder blade and dug his fingers in, Dillon jerked. “Oh, that’s nice.”
Lee wanted to gloat, but it wasn’t classy, so he turned his head away from the TV and nuzzled Dillon’s hair. Turning back to the movie, he continued his massage.
“This is better than sex.” Dillon arched against him. “This is what we should be doing.”
Lee snorted because it was not better than sex. “Sure, you can do me later.”
Dillon chuckled, a low, husky sound that lit a fire in Lee. Damn, he hadn’t known he could sound like that. When Dillon rubbed a hand over Lee’s flat belly in a circling motion, he forgot to breathe. Damn, it was the first time Dillon had touched him in a way not meant to push him away. It had his already interested cock fill more.
He spent some more time on Dillon’s shoulder blades before slowly working his hand downward. Dillon moved with him, the hand on his belly forgotten other than his fingertips digging in a little when Lee hit a good spot.
“Fuck, Lee.”
Lee grinned. “Want to?”
A huff and a snort were his only reply. Lee turned and hefted Dillon’s leg up over his hip and dug his fingers into his thigh muscles.
“Oh.” Dillon’s mouth dropped open, and his eyelids fell shut. Damn. Lee’s cock was straining now, and he wasn’t sure Dillon would appreciate it. On the other hand, if he kept his eyes shut, maybe he wouldn’t notice.
Lee dug his fingers into Dillon’s glutes and was rewarded with a full-body shiver and some rolling of his hips.
“Can we remove the pants?” Lee didn’t want to break the spell, but he wanted skin there too.
Dillon grunted, his eyes opening in slits.
“Skin, Dillon.” He gave him his most innocent look, which had Dillon laughing.
“Fine. Do what you want as long as you keep the massage up, and no teeth.” An instant later, he went rigid. “Or eyes. No controlling me.”
“Never. I promise.”
“You can make me believe—”
“Relax. Jesus. I’m not going to. I want you with me, not…” Lee couldn’t come up with the right words, so he waved his hand.
Dillon raised his hips and pulled down his pants. His dick was flaccid. Damn. Lee followed suit, his dick hard and flushed.
“Uh-huh?” Dillon raised an eyebrow at him.
“Shut up.”
His grumble earned him another laugh. He could live with being laughed at. He really could, since he didn’t think Dillon had laughed in months. As he pulled him close again, he groaned at the contact, as did Dillon. Interesting.
He bent to nuzzle his neck only to end up with his face caught against Dillon’s palm. “Nope.”
“Not even—” He swooped in and brushed his lips over Dillon’s.