Page 87 of Tease Me

“Oh, yeah.Green corset, long satin gloves .. .” She imitated pulling on long gloves.

“Yes, that’s the one. I thought it was a cool way to show them who was in charge.”

“I bet that drove them wild.”

“It’s funny—youhave tounderstand how different these men were. Jackson was all fidgety and excited, but Mickey wasallcool and calm, a man in control.”

“I can tell you loved it. Tell me abouttheircocks.” She did a little hand clap.

“Wait a sec, I’m getting to that.” I glanced around the café as I leaned forward. “I made them kneeldownand bend over a chair . . .” I paused while a couple walked past our table. “. . . naked, and I gave them each a little smack on the butt.”

She burst out laughing. “Holy shit, that’s gold.” She wriggled her perfectly formed eyebrows. “Memphis likes a little BDSM then.”

“What? No. It’s nothing like that. Just a quick smack. I told them it was their punishment for coming back.”

“Yeah, yeah. I bet you liked it.”

I giggled. “It was kind of fun. And I thinktheyliked it, too.”

“Are you fucking kidding? Of course, they did. Cal loves it when?—”

I stuck my fingers in my ears. “La, la, la, la,” I sang loud enough to drown out her words.

When her lips stopped moving, I took my fingers out.

“You’re mean.”

“I’ve told you I don’t want to hear about what you and Cal do.”

“And that makes you a terrible girlfriend.”

My jaw dropped. Was I a terrible girlfriend? “It’s just that you guys are in love. What you do is special and should be a secret between you and Cal.”

“Well,that’s going tomake our coffee sessions bloody boring next year.”

“No, it won’t. We’ll have all sorts of wonderful things to talk about.”

She shook her head, not entirely agreeing with my comment. “Whatever. Anyway, get back to your threesome. I want every little detail.”

I looked around at the nearby diners, praying her booming voice had gone unheard. As nobody was staring at us open-mouthed, I assumed all was good.

“Okay, listen to this.” I started chuckling. “I got them both to strip off and sit on a seat each and, oh my god, they looked so hot. Anyway, I pointed at Jackson’s”—I leaned closer to her—"cock, and I said, ‘So, what do we have here?’” I couldn’t stop chuckling. “He said it was his pleasure-seeking missile.”

Her hearty laugh showed off her perfect white teeth. “Shit, that’s funny. What’d the other guy call his?”

“His cock.”

Lolly rolled her head back and laughed so hard her boobs nearly wobbled right out of her bright pink sports top.

I caught sight of a man strolling toward us, and as the blood drained from my body, I lowered my eyes and prepared to slip under the table.

Lolita wrapped her hand around my wrist. “What is it, babe?” Her Spidey sense was on target again.

I shook my head, unable to speak, as Cowboy Billy walked right behind my chair and into the coffee shop.

She increased her grip. “What?”

“Billy.” I nodded in his direction. How did she miss his cowboy hat?