Page 88 of Tease Me

“The sexy cowboy?”

As I nodded, I let my hair out of the ponytail and tousled it around my face.

Lolita laughed really loud. I glared at her. “Oh, Jane, you’re a riot.”

Shit.She's trying to get Billy's attention. “Lolly,” I hissed and shook my head. “Stop it.”

She grinned, and I turned my attention to the ocean. As I prayed for a tsunami to swallow me up, out of the corner of my eye, the hunk in the cowboy hat strolled toward us.

“Jane?” His deep voice captured my namein the most incredible way.

“Oh, hi.” I faked surprise and tried to ignore the Barbie-doll grin on Lolita’s face.

“It’s lovely to see you again.”

Lolly tapped her nails on the table. There was no ignoring her intention.

I cleared my throat. “Billy, this is my friend Lolita.”

He held his hand toward her, and I thought shewas going tojump up and kiss him. “I’ve heard all about you,you sexy cowboy.” She winked at him.

I wanted to die.

“Really?” He turned his attention to me.

I attempted to smile, but my twitching lips probably looked creepy.

Lolita indicated to the spare seats. “Why don’t you join us?”

“I’d love to.”AsI kicked her under the table, Billy pulled out a chair.

Lolly put her elbows on the tabletop, sat her chin on her palms, and stared at Billy. “So,” she said. “What’s a hunky cowboy like you doing on the Gold Coast?”

I sucked in a deep breath and let it out very slowly, as if meditation was my only savior.

He took off his hat and placed it on the spare chair at his side. As he tousled his hair, the sandy blond waves shimmered with gold in the morning sunshine. “I’m a guest stunt rider at the Outback Spectacular.”

Lolita licked her bottom lip. “I see . . . handsome and talented.”

Oh God, where’s my tsunami?I kicked her again, but if she felt me, she didn’t show it.

“How often do you do that?”

“Roughly every eight weeks or so.”

“Ah.” She nodded and fluttered her eyelashes.

Matt, our dour waiter, arrived and placed our cakes and drinks down. Lolly cringed at the giant slice of cheesecake, which made me even more determined to make her eat it.

Matt turned to Billy. “Can I get you anything?”

“Sure. Can you tell me what cakes you have?”Billy’s deep voicesuited him perfectly.

While Matt went through the options, I studied my cowboy. Although he lookedcompletelyout of place in this surf location, with his button-up shirt tucked into his belted jeans, he also looked like he perfectly belonged.Actually,he’d probably lookcompletelyat ease anywhere.

Both Lolly and Billy turned to me at the same time. “What?”

Lolly burst out laughing. “Billy asked you if it was nice.”