“Jane.” His deep voice perfectly suited his muscular physique.
“Corben.” Unlike the last time we’d greeted, I was in control of my emotions.
“You heading out for a run?”
“I was about to. Would you like to join me?”
We met on the middle step. The urge to reach up and kisshimwas a powerful magnet, but I couldn’t risk the chance of Needledick seeing it. Corben grunted and shook his head. “Wish I could. But my shift starts in half an hour, so Ihave tokeep moving.”
“Pity. I was gearing up to whip your butt.” I couldn’t believe I’d said that and swallowed back the cheekiness.
He cocked his eyebrow. “Really? You can whip my butt later if you like.”
My insides did a little flip. “Maybe I will.”
Corben placed his hands on his hips and made his bulging biceps bulge even greater. “You’re getting a bit cheeky.”
I chewed on the inside of my bottom lip.
“Today’s your day off, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Right. Well, I’m taking you out tonight. Unless you had plans?”
I blinked at him.Takingme out?Me and Corben out together. On a date?
My knees wobbled at thewonderfulprospect. “No. Just so happens I’m free tonight.”
“Lucky me.” His voice was smooth and in control.
“Lucky me, too.”
He grinned, and the transformation in his usually stern features was startling. “I’ll meet you right here at eight-thirty.”
He smacked my bottom and carried on up the stairs without waiting for my response. I blinked after him, unsure whether I should be happy or annoyed with his forthrightness, but my bubbling insides answered that question.
Happinesswas going out in public with a man like Corben.
The spring in my step had me on the beach in no time, and I made my way to thesand that was nice and firmfrom the outgoing tide.I turned with the sun on my left-hand side and started jogging parallel to the shoreline. As I found my stride and pumped my arms back and forth, my head tumbled over a zillion questions about my evening with Corben.
Where was he taking me? What should I wear? Was this our first official date? And if so, were there many more to come?
The way I was feeling right, I hoped the last question would be answered with a big fat yes. Ten months ago, the idea of an evening with a hunk like Corben had seemed ludicrous. Now, though, it wasn’t just a possibility—it was a certainty.
With the sun on my cheek and the gentle breeze drifting off the ocean to lick the sweat off my neck and chest, I inhaled the crisp ocean air.
I have never felt this alive before.
I tried to clear my mind and concentrate on my stride, but it was impossible. Thoughts of Corben dominated every second of my workout.Yay me.
My energy levels were at a record high, and I continued past the surf lifesavers’ club for another ten minutes.It wasonly when my breathing became raggedthat I slowed downto a steady jog and then stopped altogether.
Two men with surfboards walked toward me. They’d peeled their wetsuits down to their waists, allowing their finely-toned bodies to glisten in the sun. Their dazzling smiles and casual swagger added to their already stunning appearance.
They flanked me, one on either side, as they walked past, grinning.
“Good morning.”