“Hi there. Great day for a run.”
Like a dazzled virgin, a hot flush blazed up my neck and cheeks as they each spoke to me. “Yes, hi, and yes, it is.” My squeaky voice was that of an awkward teenage girl. The man closest to the shore turned to look over his shoulder and winked at me. Despite all my resolve, I couldn’t stop my jaw dropping.
He laughed, and they carried on walking.
Myamazingdayjustgot a whole lot better. I turned in their direction, and as I followed their tight little butts, I began my return journey home. The shorter of the two men shoved the other man in the shoulder, and he stumbled slightly before he regained his balance and then turned to walk back to me.
I continued my stride, but with every step we closed the distance between us, it became harder to breathe. I’d convinced myself that the guy was going to walk straight on past, but when he stopped a couple of paces before me and turned his board around so he was facing the same direction as me, I thought my lack of breath would have me passing out.
“Hi again.”
“Hi.” I grinned at him.
“I’m Tom.”
“Jane. Nice to meet you.”
He ran his free hand through his curly sun-bleached hair. “Are you here on holiday?”
I could hardly comprehend that this sexy stranger wasactuallytalking to me. The Jane me. “No. Are you?”
“Yes, just up from Adelaide for a week.”
Our strides were matchedperfectly, and as I tried to sneak glances at the man beside me, I was grateful for my dark sunglasses. “You’ve had incredible weather.”
“Yes, we have. Anyway . . .” He cleared his throat. “It’s my last night here tonight. Would you like to go out with me?”
I choked on myowntongue, and we stopped as he patted my back.
“Are you okay?”
“Sorry, sorry, it’s just, wow. Really?”
He laughed a glorious, manly, contagious laugh that made me relax. “Yes, really.”
I was seconds away from saying yes when I remembered Corben. Never in my whole life had I needed to choose between two men, and my thoughts spun around at thewonderfulgloriousness of it.
Quick as a flash, I compared my two suitors. Both were stunning representations of the male species. While Corben was a hunky Mr. Universe, Tom was slender with lean muscles in all the right places. In the end, my decision was easy.I knew I’d have a wonderful evening with Corben, whereas this young man wasan uncertainty—a sexy, fascinating uncertainty.
I curled a lock of hair behind my ear. “I’m sorry, I’m so flattered, but I already have a date.”
He huffed. “Bugger. Oh well, if he turns out to be a dick, we’re hanging out at the Surfers Paradise Beer Garden later. Come find me.” He winked at me and then jogged ahead to catch up to his mate.
My wonderful day had just shot into spectacular, and it took all my might not to break out a few cartwheels.I’m the luckiest woman in the world.
Turning toward the ocean, I spread my arms wide, breathedindeeply, and screamed, “Woohoooooo.”
Grinning like a crazy woman, I strolled back toward my hotel, and my mind skipped from one lovely thought to another. People walked along the beach with me, all looking equally as happy as I was. A young couple who couldn’t be any older than seventeen swung their clasped hands back and forth, and the girl’s pretty features reminded me of Chelsea-Lea.
My ex-best friend had been one of the most beautiful girls at my school, if not themost beautiful. Unlike me, it was nothing for her tobe asked outtwo or three timesa week. Sometimes on the same night. My mind flashed to her standard response. “Piss off, creep.”
We’d giggled at that a few times, but now, as I recalled theforlornlooks on those young boys’ faces, I was deeply saddened that I’d taken joy in their embarrassment.
Has she had her baby yet?
I must call Aunty Ann. I needed to catch up on all my hometown gossip.
Before I left the beach, I paused and turned to the ocean,making a point oftaking in the entire panorama and confirming for the hundredth time that I lived in one of the most beautiful places in the world.