I’m not like you
Memphis is!
I couldn’t stand texting anymore. I put the ‘back in five minutes’ sign on the counter and raced into the lobby toilets with my phone.But that plan was foiled by the sixor so young women congregating inthere.
“Hi, ladies. Sorry for the interruption. I was just going to check the toilet paper situation.”
“That one’s empty.” The dark-haired woman stopped applying lipstick long enough to point at the last cubicle.
“Okay,” I said. “I’ll be back in a second.”
Damn. I raced to the stationery cupboard, placed my phone ontop ofthe filing cabinet, and tugged the bulk packet of toilet paper from the shelf. With six rolls in my arms, I crossed the lobby and pushed backward through the doors.
“Here you go, ladies.” The women were loudly discussing the benefits of lip-liner as I replenished the toilet paper and added a spare roll to each cubicle. I took the opportunity to go to the toilet myself, and when I came out, they’d gone. After I washed my hands, I returned to reception. The six women were now hovering between the Triple H Bar and the lobby, and as I waited for them to make a decision, my phone repeatedly dinged.
The second the women disappeared into the bar, I dived into the back office and without even checking her messages, I rang Lolita.
“Jesus, babe, what’s going on?”
I huffed. “It’s nuts here tonight. Fifty or so uni students up from Sydney.”
“Is that all? Okay, tell me about the dueling hunks.”
I glanced around the doorway, and confirming all was clear at reception, I put my back against the wall and tried to calm my racing heart. “Do you remember me telling you about the plumber from months ago?”
“Yes.Top Modelgorgeous, he fingered you from behind while you still had your clothes on.”
My jaw dropped. “What the hell? Are you recording our conversations or something?”
“No, but that’s a great idea.”
“What? They’d be a hoot to listen to again.”
“Will you stop it?”
“Okay, sorry. Carry on.”
“So, Mickey told his mate, the electrician, about me?—”
“Yes, Memphis. Well, anyway, both of them are here together.”
“And . . .?”
“They were in the bar, but they came out and asked me to inform Memphisthat theywere here.”
“Ohhh, this is gold, babe.”
“It’s not gold! It’s a disaster!”
“No, it’s not.Thisis the perfect chance to have a threesome.”
Chapter Twenty-Two
Clenching my jaw, I closed my eyes and pictured naked bodies crawling all over each other. I snapped my eyes open, grateful to eradicate the images. “Lolly, I can’t do a threesome.”