“You know she’s been holdin’ a torch for you for a long time, don’t you?” He tells me like I’m fuckin’ stupid and well, I guess I am, because I didn’t know. Had no fuckin’ clue until she said those three little words that made my fuckin’ heart stop in my chest. I know I handled it wrong, I know I fucked up, but it just caught me so off guard I didn’t know what to do or how to act. I’ve been playing the role of “big brother”. Faking it until I tricked myself into believing it. Maybe if I just pretended that much harder it would have made it true.
I run my hand down my face, wishing I could take it all back. Just hold her in her time of need and protect her. That’s all it should’a been. That’s all I was ever meant to be to her.
“So, why the fuck you out here wallowin’ in your own pity instead of with her?” Gage says, blowing a puff of smoke into my face.
“What the fuck you mean?” I ask, not sure what he’s insinuating.
“She ain’t one of the sweet-butts. You don’t just fuck ‘her and leave ‘her. Jesus Christ, boy. Ain’t your daddy taught you anythin’?” His jaw clenches and I can see he’s actually pissed. I know the guys have taken her in like a daughter, but I didn’t think Gage would actually give a shit.
“She told me she loved me, and I panicked.” I confess. Feelin’ like a fuckin’ idiot. He squints his eyes like he’s trying to read me.
“Funny. I didn’t take you for a fuckin’ pussy.” He finally says, tossing my own sarcasm back at me. Touché.
“It can’t be like that between us. You know that. She’s been through enough shit. It’s one thing to have her under our protection but another thing entirely to have her be an Ol’ Lady.” I lean back against the wall, resting one foot behind me and one on the ground as I cross my arms, trying to somehow block out his words.
“Is it though?” He asks, not botherin’ to wait for an answer before turning around and slamming the door behind him.
I stay clear of Beth, avoiding her like a plague. I can’t avoid her today though. Not when I’m Kings best man and she’s the maid of honor.
We arrive at the church about an hour before the ceremony, knowin’ it won’t take us near as long as the girls to get ready.
“You excited.” I smirk as I take in King standin’ there in his tux, a proud smile on his face. The guys downright giddy.
“Fuck yeah, I am. I’m marrying my fuckin’ girl. I’m over the moon.” He’s got a big ass grin on his face that he’s been wearing the last two days and I chuckle.
I slap him on the back. “I’m happy for you man.” And I am. Even though their relationship was already predestined, he ended up really lovin’ her. She’s a good girl and I’m happy to see my brother happy. Hopin’ one day I’ll end up as happy as him. Thoughts of Beth flicker through my mind. Her in a white dress, the huge smile on her face as I walk toward her in my tux.
“Ready, boys?” Gage grunts as he peeks his head in through the cracked door.
A few minutes later, I meet up with Beth in the hallway, ready to walk her down the aisle. I make sure to keep my eyes straight ahead, not wanting to see just how fuckin’ gorgeous I know she looks in that soft green dress. The one that brings out her stunning eyes and compliments the skin I now know personally is soft and smooth. I’ve touched every inch of her amazing body that the dress clings too.
We separate as we reach the alter and I study the pew in front of me like it’s a brand-new custom chopper, begging my eyes to not shift over to her. I can almost feel hers drilling into the side of my face. The music changes and the doors open wide, framing Elana as she steps into the church and all eyes swing on her as everyone rises. King stares her down, and if I didn’t know any better I’d swear I see his eyes water. Her dad—our VP—gives her away and shakes King’s hand, leanin’ in and whispering something that sounds oddly like a death threat into his ear. I chuckle softly under my breath. Elana gives King a soft smile as she places her hands into his much bigger ones.
The ceremony goes as usually and I can’t keep the smile off my face, genuinely happy for one of my best friends.
We exit the church and split up as they go to take pictures and do all that shit. I head to the back room to change outta this monkey suit before gettin’ on my bike and heading over to the reception hall. More than ready to get a fuckin’ drink. If I have to be around Beth I’m gonna need to be three sheets to the wind.
I’m posted up at the bar as more and more people pile into the large room. The large circle tables with fancy tablecloths and flowers seem out of place with a bunch of bikers but Elana insisted on a legit wedding. She wanted the whole shebang, and King being the man he is gave her exactly what she wanted even though I know he’d rather be back at the compound in his well-worn jeans and cut than in a tux and eatin’ fancy food.
It isn’t until Elana comes over to give me hug that I realize someone’s missing, someone I’ve been purposely avoiding like my damn life depends on it.
“Where’s Beth?” I ask, bringin’ my beer to my lips, going for casual but failing miserably. She raises an eyebrow clearly not buying it but looks around like she too noticed Beth is suspiciously absent.
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since the bridesmaid photos. Probably just in the bathroom. I’ll go check.” She smiles and waves it off, clearly thinking it’s no big deal, she lifts her dress to head toward the back of the large hall where the restrooms are. I do a lap around the room, making sure I didn’t just miss her. Stoppin’ a few times to bullshit with a few of the guys.
Elana comes storming across the dance floor ten minutes later, a worried look on her face as she too glances around. “She’s not in there. I don’t know where she is.” Her voice raises with her panic and now I’m starting to freak out too. I go to Gages table with most of the members are hanging around at, including King.
“We can’t find Beth,” I grunt, trying to maintain my nerves as I say it. The clench in my gut telling me something isn’t right.
“She’s probably just a little sad she lost her best friend today.” Tank chuckles as he throws back another shot, slappin’ King on the back as the rest of the guys share a laugh.
“Nah man, I don’t think it’s that. I don’t know.” I look around frantically, my stomach tightening with every moment that passes that I don’t see her.
“Maybe she just got caught in traffic, man. Give her a little more time before we send the hounds out, yeah?” Gage smirks, thinking I’m just freakin’ out cuz of the weirdness between me and her now, him bein’ the only one who actually knows what went down between us. I haven’t even had the balls to talk to King about it. But I just nod, he’s my Pres, so I gotta respect his orders, plus he’s probably right. I’m just overreacting, and she’s probably just stuck in traffic, the city is more hectic than our lil’ rural plot on the outskirts. Plus, she’s in the cage so she can’t avoid most of it like us on our bikes.
Twenty minutes, and about three more beers later she’s still not here and I’m well past worried and deep into afraid. My heart pounds in my chest and I’m getting worried it might crack my ribs. Where the fuck could she have gone? I ask around, trying to see if anyone’s seen her when I notice an odd face I don’t recognize amongst the crowed hall.