Son of a bitch. This woman goes straight to my dick. From the moment she stood and leaned toward me, I’ve had a hard-on for her, and it hasn’t eased in the least.

That mouth of hers is going to get her in trouble. There’s no doubt about it. My hand itches for the chance to throw her over my knee and tan her ass a bright red. The very thought of seeing her bare ass up in the air, my hand coming down on it, causes my dick to twitch.

Of course, knowing she’s got those toys in her nightstand doesn’t take away the images, making the vision worse. Especially that dildo. If I get the chance, and I know I will, I intend to see her using that damn thing on herself. It’s not as big as me, but it’s a damn good size.

During my search of her place earlier when we got to it, I noticed the gun under the nightstand drawer and the gun locker. I don’t know who the hell this woman is, but damn if I don’t want to find out. I don’t think I’ve ever met a chick like this one. She’s damn ballsy, and I like it. I didn’t think that was the type I’d go for, but all I can think of is getting inside her, taking control of that sweet body.

While at the grocery store, she fumed the whole damn time. Dagger stayed out at his bike, parked next to her car. When it came time to pay, she’d been livid, and I grinned because she held back the scream I knew she wanted to release. But fuck me, I couldn’t wait to hear it. To make it even better, she didn’t appreciate it when we got back to the apartment to find Dagger had already ordered food from the Thai place in town. The food got there at the same time we got back. Perfect timing.

“I don’t need you two paying for shit,” she snaps, unbagging one of the many bags of groceries.

“Princess, get the fuck over it,” I tell her, liking the nickname for her. She’s surely not a princess in any way, no matter the fact she came from money. No one can say she’s a spoiled brat who cries when she breaks a nail.Bonus to calling her princess, I get to enjoy seeing the way her eyes flash with that annoyance at the name.

“Don’t call me Princess,” she grumbles and slams a jug of milk on the counter. “And I will not get the hell over a damn thing. I didn’t ask you two to be here, but still, you’re guests. It’s plain rude to ask you to pay for things.”

Dagger snorts and shakes his head. “Grady warned me that you were going to have a problem with it. But, babe, you’re gonna have to get over it. Neither of us is going to let you pay for shit we’re gonna eat or drink.” He shrugs and grins. “You might as well get over the snit.”

I watch as Gwyneth’s nostrils flare, her cheeks brighten, and she visibly clenches her jaw. Damn, even pissed she’s hot. It makes me wonder what it would be like to fuck her while she’s mad. I’m betting she’d be like a wildfire in the sack.

Oh, this is going to be good, especially when she finds out exactly where I’ll be sleeping at night. Dagger’s taking the second bedroom, and I’m gonna be in that big ass bed with her. Her apartment sits on the bottom floor. It is easy enough for someone to come in through a window. At night, we’ll be making sure the door’s secure, but it’s the windows that could also easily be accessed.

A guy like Johnathan Bryant isn’t going to simply bust through a door. He’s a sneaky bastard. He’ll find which room she’s in and go straight to where she is to get her. He’s not going to take a chance of anyone hearing. He’ll come in the dead of night, and windows, no matter the lock on them, they are easy to pop open. Especially the ones she’s got.

Gwyneth’s not in the worst neighborhood, but she’s not in the best, either. It’s a well-kept building, just older.

Once the groceries are sorted, the three of us converge on that table with the Thai food. Dagger and I talk about random shit, and try to include Gwyneth, but she stares at us silently while chewing her food.

Only when she’s done does she speak while standing. “I’m going to bed. I’ve got to be at Primal Fit tomorrow morning at six. I have a few sessions I told Rico I’d help in teaching.” She doesn’t wait for either of us to respond before rushing away, throwing her container away, and heading to her room.

“She’s going to be a handful,” Dagger remarks quietly.

“Handful doesn’t even cover it.” I chuckle, bringing my gaze from where I followed her every movement to my brother. “This is about to get interesting when I go in there.”

“Shit, brother, she’s already pissed.” Dagger laughs and leans back in his chair. “After tomorrow, she’s back on for a forty-eight-hour shift. Way her schedule is set up is two days on two off. When she’s not at the station, she’s always at Primal Fit helping there. Grady told me that she doesn’t get paid for what she does at Primal.”

“Why the hell not?” I ask, curious as to what’s going on with that. Why wouldn’t she want to be paid for something that is considered a job?

“Don’t know. Grady refused to explain when I asked. Said that’s her business, and he won’t give her any more reasons to be pissed or upset. He definitely considers Gwyneth a daughter. Just as Ross thinks of her as a sister.”

It’s a damn good thing, ‘cause I’d hate to knock the man out. Strange to think such a thing, but I’m coming to think that until I get my taste of her, I’m going to be a prick about anyone coming near her.

“You’ve got a thing for her,” Dagger acknowledges.

“I want my dick inside her, that I won’t deny,” I grunt and eat the last of my food.

“It’s not just that, brother. I saw the way you went toe to toe with her. You like the attitude. I’ve got to admit I like it myself. If you’re not gonna go for it, I sure as hell will.”

I shoot a glare in Dagger’s direction. “The hell you will. She’s mine until I say otherwise.”

“You claiming her?” Dagger cocks a brow.

“Fucker.” I sneer, knowing I walked right into that one and don’t give a fuck. “For the time being, whether she likes it or not, she’s going to be mine.”

Dagger and I spend a bit more time talking about the security of the apartment and plan for the next day before I get up, grab my bag from by the couch, and head toward Gwyneth’s room.

She’s got the door closed but thankfully not locked.