Opening the door, I step into the room quietly, eyes on the body lying in the middle of the bed. I silently close the door behind me and move to the closer side of the bed. The opposite side of where her gun is stashed. I keep my movements silent and drop my bag, toe off my boots, and strip off the rest of my clothes, making sure to lay my cut on top of my bag. Once I’m ready, I climb into the bed.

Not once does Gwyneth move. I know she’s not asleep, though. She knows I’m in here but doesn’t speak or turn. I lay on my back, leaving no room between the two of us, with my size, that doesn’t leave much when she’s in the middle. I relax next to her, arms up, hands resting on the pillow behind my head as I stare up at the ceiling.

“Do you want to explain what you’re doing in my bed?” she finally asks, not moving from her spot next to me.

“Someone comes for you, gotta make sure you’re protected at all times. Including when you’re asleep. Consider me your bunkmate,” I answer, shifting, rolling, and curling around her. “For someone to get to you, Princess, they’ll have to get through me first.”

Gwyneth tenses, but I don’t miss the way she sucks in a breath. Yeah, I’m affecting her the same way she’s doing to me.

“Get some rest, Princess,” I murmur right at her ear before nipping it.

“How about you go sleep elsewhere, and I can sleep alone like I prefer to do,” she suggests but doesn’t move.

I flatten a hand on her stomach, just under the edge of the top she’s wearing. My fingers span and brush just under the band of her panties. “I’m good right here. Like I said, if someone’s gonna get to you, they’ve got me to deal with first.”

“And you can’t do that from the other room?”


“Great,” she mumbles.

“What’s wrong, Gwyneth? Afraid you’ll end up doing other things besides sleeping?” I smirk.

“I’m not afraid of doing anything. I can resist the charm. I can resist your movements. It’s called training. I don’t need a man to give myself the pleasure I need or desire.”

Her mentioning her pleasure and desire causes my dick to flex against where I’m pressing into the crease of her ass.

“I could easily show you pleasure by yourself is nothing like what it could be with me.” Lowering my mouth to the side of her neck, I gently caress the skin there with the tip of my tongue and kiss. “When you’re ready to have what we both know you want, I’ll be right here, more than happy to comply.” I pull away just enough to give her the space I sense she needs, but I don’t miss her change in breathing and the relaxing of her body.

Yeah, she feels it just as I do.



“You gonna tell me what two members of Devil’s Riot MC are doing here with you?” Rico asks, matted hands up while I throw punches at him.

“Nope,” I mutter, doing my best to ignore the two men. It's more like ignoring the one who slept in my bed last night. The very same one I woke up before, only to find him palming one of my breasts in one hand, the other cupping me between my legs. My panties were damp yet again.

It took me a while to extract myself from his arms and get up. Once I finally managed to do so, I rushed to get changed before he could wake up. I needed to get the gym, and he wasn’t keeping me from doing so. The self-defense classes were my baby, and I loved teaching them. Giving those who need it the confidence to protect themselves gives me great pride.

Bruiser tried arguing with me about driving and, of course, won when he threw me over his shoulder and deposited me into the passenger seat. I’d been too stunned to fight back on this. So, I sat there simmering, thinking of ways to make him pay. I was still tossing ideas around when we got to the gym, where I immediately told Rico we were sparring. He’s the only one I partner up with.

The first class isn’t until ten, and I have time to get a good session in before needing to prepare.

The first good twenty minutes, Rico kept his mouth shut, didn’t say anything, just kept looking in the direction of both Bruiser and Dagger.

“All right, then you want to explain why Bruiser is looking ready to commit murder? My murder, to be exact.” Rico keeps his voice low.

“Who the hell knows? Just ignore him.” I throw another combination of punches and end it with a roundhouse.

“Gwenny, I know you. I also know them. You’re either seeing one of them or something’s up. Talk to me,” Rico states calmly as he motions for me to take a breather.

“It’s nothing, and I’m definitely not seeing either of them,” I huff and grab my water bottle from the corner of the ring. “I’m dealing with it, and until then, I unfortunately have those two for bodyguards.”

“I wouldn’t call having the threat of being kidnapped and sold to human traffickers nothing.”

I twist around at the sound of Bruiser’s harsh words to find him at the edge of the ring and climbing into it. “What are you doing?” I demand, yet my heart starts racing harder than it already was.