I open my mouth to protest, only to clamp it shut. He would definitely do it, and I can’t let him. It’s the only reason I give in with a huff. “Fine. Who gets to be the lucky winner to follow me around? Whoever it is better understand now, I’m not some damsel in distress that needs a white knight, and they better stay out of my damn way.”
Hammer snorts and shakes his head. “We can all see that, darlin’. Since you’re in the medical field, I’ll get Bruiser and Dagger on you.”
“Dagger can work on the bus with them,” Grady states. “He’s got the training and just recertified his credentials. He’d fit in with those in Station thirty-two without question. Bruiser, you’d have to stay in the background.”
“I’m not staying in the background for shit,” the giant states, speaking up before I can protest to any of this. I don’t need another person on my team. “Where she goes, I’ll go. Including on calls.”
No fringing way is this happening.
“We’ll rotate shifts,” Dagger mutters his suggestion. “We just need to schedule for the time being. We don’t want people knowing what’s going on. To keep that from happening, we gotta work this out.”
“Agreed.” Hammer nods.
Grady and Ross both give my schedule to the men sitting around the table, and they come up with a plan, the whole time not giving me a chance to get a word in edge wise.
Five minutes later, Bruiser stands, eyes on me.“Dagger and I will both be staying with you at your place. Don’t argue it ‘cause you won’t win. As of now, you don’t go anywhere unless one of us or both are with you. If and when shit goes down, you won’t argue with either of us. You’ll do what we tell you.” He pauses for the briefest moment. “Also, you fight Dagger or me on any decisions made for your safety, you’ll answer to me, am I understood?”
Anger like I’ve never felt before rushes through my veins, but also something else. I don’t know what it is, however, it has the flesh between my legs dampening my panties. This is not something I expected. Narrowing my gaze, I slowly get to my feet, brace my hands on the table and lean forward. As I do so, I don’t miss the muttering curses from any of the three men sitting on my side of the table. My focus is on the man in front of me. “The last person who tried to dictate my life, got his ass handed to him. You try it, and no matter how much of a giant your sexy ass is, I’ll hand you your balls. Don’t think you can tell me what to do. If and when shit goes down, long as you keep me in the loop, then we’re all good. But so help me, you act like you can demand me doing a damn thing, you’re mistaken. Now, am I understood?”
“Oh shit,” one of the MC members mutters.
“Damn, I didn’t want to like her,” Malice grumbles and Hammer outright laughs.
Bruiser leans in, a grin sliding into place on his perfect kissable lips. “Yeah, Princess, I understand perfectly.”
I’m totally in trouble. I tell myself four hours later.
Earlier, after my standoff with Bruiser, he and Dagger both went to get their bags and whatnot while I finished talking to Simon, decided he was going to go stay with Grady and Mrs. G for the time being. It’s not what I would have preferred, but he agreed to it. It was his decision, not mine, to make.
Dagger nor Bruiser took their time getting their stuff together. I’m willing to bet they keep go bags ready for days like this.
The moment we stepped into my apartment, both men checked out the place, going through each room. I just hope they know boundaries and don’t go snooping through my drawers—especially my nightstand. The top drawer isn’t where I keep my Smith and Wesson 357 Magnum revolver that’s tucked away beneath the drawer in a Velcro sleeve. In the drawer is where I keep all my toys I like to use. One particular, my favorite one that is, is a blue dildo that isn’t small, but I’m betting it’s not as big as Bruiser’s um toy.
I don’t need any of them to see that or anything else in that drawer. Hell, I’d prefer them to look in the closet and see my gun locker there. Okay, so I have a thing for guns. I have a total of ten. My rifles and shotguns are locked away, but my four handguns are scattered throughout the apartment, and one stays in my car.
Like I told them all at the clubhouse, I can take care of myself. It seems as though they don’t think I’m capable of this. Whatever.
I’m not changing my schedule for them. I did, however, call Rico on the way home and tell him that I’d be in tomorrow.
Now, I’m trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to do with my two guests now camped out on my couch.
I haven’t eaten today and need to do so soon. In my kitchen, I check the cabinets for something to eat, and there’s not enough to make something for me and them. I could easily make something just for myself and leave them to suffer, but Mrs. G would be disappointed in me if she found out. Unlike my own mother, Mrs. G taught me to have manners and always offer a drink or something to eat to guests.
This means I need to not only put in an order with the grocery store but also figure something out for the time being. It also means I’ll need to converse with them and find out what they like to drink and eat. Hopefully, they don’t have a problem with eating healthy. Not that I’m a health nut, but I do take care of myself.
“I’m putting an order in for groceries, is there anything particular either of you need?” I ask them, pulling my laptop open as I take a seat at my little four-seater round dinner table. “I’m also going to order dinner, so let me know what you two are in the mood for. I’m down with anything as long as it’s not pizza or fast food.”
“We’ll go to the store and get stuff,” Bruiser remarks. “You’re not about to pay for stuff for us.”
“My house, my groceries.” I shrug, not looking up from the computer screen and pull up the site I’m looking for.
A moment later, the laptop is shut, and Bruiser’s massive hand is the one shutting it. “Said we’ll go to the store. Now, get your ass up and let’s go.”
Oh hell. The look in his eyes with that order goes straight between my legs, making my damp panties wetter.
How on Earth am I going to survive them being here? Actually, the question should be, how will I survive being around this particular man? I’ve barely even spoken to him, yet I’m drawn to him in a way I don’t understand.