Ross snorts. “No, we didn’t call her. That doesn’t mean Mom doesn’t know, and she’s waiting impatiently at home for an explanation.”
“Great, the last thing I need is to worry Mrs. G,” Gwyneth mutters.
“Why don’t you fill us in on why Dagger is asking me about you and what you’re doing here?” Grady demands.
The next fifteen minutes are spent filling the two other men in on the problem at hand. By the end of it, both men look ready to strangle Simon, but Gwyneth saves his ass again.
“Simon’s not to blame for this problem. It would be my parents. I’m willing to bet my grandfather doesn’t even know about the problems those two have caused. He might be a man of power, but he was never about material things unless it meant something to him politically. He’s about the politics.” As she’s done since she started speaking, she’s defending her brother.
I can see these two love each other and would do whatever they could for the other even if one doesn’t think it through what he’s doing.
“Gwyneth,” Ross speaks up. “You realize this is messed-up, don’t you? Some dick wants you as payment if your brother doesn’t bring him one of these men’s women.”
“It’s actually my woman he wants,” Malice states.
“And Savage’s,” Simon grumbles. “He wants the women separated from you all.”
“He also offered you a bonus if you got rid of the brats, if I’m not mistaken,” I remind him with a sneer.
Simon’s face pales further, and he nods. “I couldn’t do it. It’s why I came clean to Gwenny.” Straightening in his seat, he lowers his gaze. “I don’t want anything to happen to her. I can’t do what he wants, and she needs protecting. Some would call me a pussy, and honestly, right now, I’m scared shitless and don’t give a damn who knows it, but I’m leaving town to get away from not just Johnathan but also my parents.”
Running, yeah, that’s what I’d call a pussy move if I knew of any.
Silence descends on the table, and I keep my gaze on Gwyneth, seeing surefire in her eyes. She looks ready to explode on her brother but doesn’t.
She’s definitely a woman of control, and I can’t help wondering what it would take to break through to the woman beneath the ballbuster I can see she is.
Keeping my gaze from constantly wandering and sticking to the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in my life is a heck of a feat.
I saw him when he first came into the room. He has to be at least six-foot-four. He’s a freaking giant. One I would love nothing more than to climb and see if the package hidden from view is anything like what I’m imagining. I also wouldn’t mind checking out that tattoo that runs the full length of his right arm. I don’t have any myself, but I am totally one of those women who gravitate to tattooed men. To top it off and make him the whole package is that beard. Trimmed close, not too short but not too long. It looks amazing with the way his hair looks with that just rolled out of bed appeal to it.
“Look, I know you want to run, but that ain’t what I would recommend,” Hammer says, drawing me from the thoughts I shouldn’t be having. I shouldn’t be thinking of the giant sitting across from me.
I shouldn’t think of any of these guys, no matter how sexy they are. However, the giant has got them all beat, in my opinion. I swear if Angie were here, she’d be all over him. Or maybe the one who knows Grady. That guy, no, he’s got that look about him that would appeal to my best friend.
“What do you suggest I do then?” Simon asks, looking at me. “I can’t stick around here. I don’t want to risk him drawing me in further than he already has.”
I get what my brother is saying. His coming here was a risk. One that needed to be taken. “We’ll figure it out, Simon. I promise, but Hammer’s right, you running isn’t the answer.”
“I want to know where to find the bastard because I’m not liking this threat against one of my girls,” Grady retorts, talking about me. Ever since I confided in him and he, along with the rest of his family, took me in, I’ve been one of his girls. No matter the fact, neither Angie nor I live under his roof anymore. Ross doesn’t even live there. It’s just him and Mrs. G.
“We’ll handle that. We know who we’re looking for. We’ll put a man on you until this is over.”
“Ugh, I don’t think so,” I clip out, stopping Hammer from speaking further. “I don’t need a man protecting me. Just tell me who the hell I’m watching out for.”
“Gwyneth,” Ross mutters.
“Don’t even.” I cast him a warning look. “You, of all people, know I can handle my own.”
“Yeah, I know that. This is some serious shit. You can’t do your job and watch your back at the same time,” Ross argues.
“Don’t tell me I can’t watch my back on the job,” I snap back. “Mick, Angie, and I always are watching when we’re working.”
“Enough you two,” Grady states sternly, looks at me, and points. “I know you’re good and watching out for yourself, sweetheart, but your focus needs to be on the job rather than watching your back. If you won’t let someone do that, I’ll have you benched, and you know I’ll do it.”