Page 37 of Shiner's Light

“How are we going to be the ones to pay?” Blow demands, his voice getting that tone it does when he’s ready to lose his shit. “Please, Tessa, enlighten us on this very topic.”

Tessa clamps her mouth shut, and her nostrils flare.

“I see you’ve realized you’ve been caught,” Nines grumbles.

Moving away from them, I step over to the table where I keep all of my tools for such jobs as we’re about to handle. The bitch should never have crossed us. My opinion is she’s in the same category as Sasha, and I won’t lose an ounce of sleep for killing her.

I lift a blow torch in hand, stare at it while bringing a flame to the tip, and turn toward Tessa. “You know you fucked up when you decided to fuck with this club. You fucked up even more messing with my woman’s head.”

“Shiner, you don’t want to do this.” Tessa pleads. “I was only helping her by telling her to get away from you. I just?—”

“Bullshit,” I sneer, lip curling in disgust as I interrupt her pathetic excuses. “You weren’t helping anyone but yourself. You’re nothing but a whore who does her sick and twisted brother’s dirty work for him. Tell me, did you enjoy sucking him off while he listened to me fuckin’ my woman?” I don’t really want to know, but fuckin’ with her head might get her to give me more answers.

“Fuck you,” Tessa snaps and thrashes against the restrains.

“Nah, I’m good. Don’t need stretched out, used up pussy when I’ve got fresh and clean waiting for me back at the clubhouse.” Lifting the blow torch close enough for her to feel the heat of the flame licking at her skin, I grin. “You knew the rules coming into this club. What would happen if you crossed us and not, you’re paying.”

I step back, holding a hand out for Torch to hand me a sheet of metal. I don’t bother taking my eyes off the bitch while I take my time and heat the edge of the steel. Because she’s a woman, I’ll make it quick, but she’s still going to die brutally. I can’t have it any other way. Once the tip is a flaming reddish-orange, I hand the blow torch over to Torch and move into Tessa’s space once more.

“What are you going to do with that?” she asks, her breath hitching.

“This,” I answer and slam the steel in her eye, sending it straight through the back of her skull.

Rubi’s screams echo in my ears, and I couldn’t give a damn. She’s next. That is, if we learn she did more than follow Tessa’s lead.

“Rubi shut the fuck up,” Griz snaps.

Blow crosses the distance to the other woman and squats down in front of her. “Did you know what she was doing?”

“N-no, I-I didn’t know anything. I swear,” she answers, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Tessa told me she only wanted help getting Olive to leave. She was mad and said she wanted you to make her an ol’ lady. I was just helping her. I thought she was my friend.”

“She was no one’s friend,” Blow growls. “You want the same fate?”

“No, please, no. I’ll do whatever you want. I promise,” Rubi remarks, the sorrowful eyes roaming the room. “I’ll keep my mouth shut and never tell anyone.”

“Good, but we’re going to make sure you don’t.” Blow straightens from the squat and pivots on his heel. “Switchblade and Flash, I want you two to transport Rubi to Gavril. He knows what to do with her.”

“What’s he going to do to me?” Rubi asks.

Blow looks back at her over his shoulder and smirks. “See to it that you will never cross us or speak of tonight to anyone.”

If I were in a laughing mood, I’d find Rubi’s expression comical, but I’m not. I’m ready to get back to the clubhouse, find my woman, and spend time with her and my kid.

Tomorrow’s another day, and with that, we’ve got plans to put in place. It’s time for this shit to come to an end once and for all.



“Milo, you ready for bed, kiddo?” Shiner asks, coming into the room.

For the past two days, he’s been busy handling things for the club. They’re in the process of putting their plans in motion, and I’ve done my best to keep from thinking about it while also figuring out my own plan. I just can’t let Shiner or anyone else know I’m planning anything. If they knew, Shiner would be the first to attempt to stop me.

“But I wanna stay up.” Milo pouts.

“Not happening tonight, little man. You got to go to bed, and tonight you’re doing it in your bed across the hall,” Shiner states sternly.

“I don’t wanna,” Milo shouts, shaking his head and slamming his little fist on the mattress. “I wanna stays in here with you and Olly.”