Page 36 of Shiner's Light

Harpoon had been a member of this club when I first prospected. He was a total lunatic, but no one knew it until he crossed the line. I remember the day clearly. I walked in on him trying to force himself on Rain while Sniper was out on a run with the others. I stopped him and went to Blow about it. Harpoon tried acting like it didn’t happen, but Blow spoke to Rain after Sniper got back and found out the truth. He was stripped of his colors not long after that for something else he had done. Shortly after, he got arrested and locked away for the murder of a junkie they found dead in an alleyway.

“How the hell did he get in here, and we not know it?” Blow snarls, slamming his fist on the table.

“My guess is he got in through the fence,” Keys answers and shakes his head. “And this got me thinking further, so I went searching. Lo and behold, the reason for Tessa knowing about the fence in the first place? She’s Harpoon’s sister.”

Silence descends upon the room, leaving us all momentarily stunned.

“You’re fuckin’ joking,” Lucky snaps.

“‘Fraid not,” Keys grumbles. “I’ve checked and double-checked. I even triple-checked this shit. Tessa is Harpoon’s baby sister, and she’s been in contact with him daily. He didn’t bother hiding his face as he walked through the clubhouse when he was here. Stopped at Shiner’s door and put his ear to it. The footage gets even worse as he stands there listening.”

“How?” I find myself demanding through clenched teeth.

“Brother, you don’t want to know.” Keys shakes his head and looks grim.

“Tell us, Keys, what the fuck did you see?” Nines looks ready to commit murder.

“Tessa joins him just outside the door, goes to her knees, and sucks him off while he listens.”

Now, I’m going to be sick.

“Get that fuckin’ bitch in here,” Blow orders.

“Prez, think about this,” Lucky remarks. “We handle it here, it can come back on us. We need to be smart about it. Take her to the farm.”

“He’s right,” I add. “We can’t handle it here. We’ve had enough heat around here as it is.”

Blow nods, agreeing with us. “Torch, Switchblade, Flash, take her to the farm, and get her nice and comfortable for our arrival. You might want to take Rubi along with her as well.”

“You got it, Prez.” Torch jerks his chin up as he stands. “We’ll have them both waiting when you get there.”

No one speaks while the three of them leave, but the moment the door closes behind them, I look directly at Keys. “Do me a favor and pull up the image of Harpoon and then the video footage of Olive’s rape.”

“You think he was the third man in the video?” Keys asks.

“I’m willing to bet my life on it.” Harpoon wouldn’t have changed his ways, and he said I’d pay for ratting him out to Blow. He didn’t forget about it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have snuck into the clubhouse. Somehow or another, he connected with Alexei, that cop, and Sasha. What I’m uncertain of, though, is them mentioning the Crimson Blood Clan.

Rodion mentioned Alexei being associated with the group, but how would a cop and a convict be connected? There’s something not adding up here, and I can’t seem to put my finger on it.

Long moments later, Keys brings up both images on his laptop and spins the device until I can see the screen.

“That’s him,” I confirm, looking at both faces closely. “He’s fuckin’ dead when I get my hands on him. I’ll gut the fucker for what he did to Olive. I’ll make him pay and when I do, there won’t be enough of him left for anyone to question where he disappeared to.”

“I’ll fuckin’ help,” Griz grumbles.

“Same. That bastard is dead,” Surge says.

Several others make similar remarks.

“Don’t worry, brother, we’re going to find him and make him wish he never fucked with us,” Blow declares. “Now, we’ve got another party to get to.”

* * *

“What are you doing?” Tessa screeches, twisting and fighting against the restraints holding her in place. “You can’t do this to me.”

Torch, Flash, and Switchblade stood off to the side, watching as we step into the barn. On the ground next to them, Rubi sits with tears in her eyes. I can’t say for certain but I’m sure she was following Tessa’s lead in all of this.

“You’re all going to pay for this,” Tessa screams, thrashing around, eyes narrowing in my direction.