“Sorry, but I can’t do that,” the prospect says, eyes catching my movements.
“The hell you can’t. It’s a damn button, just push it and let me out of here.”
I don’t think I’ve ever heard Olive get mad before, but the way she gets pissed with the prospect goes straight to my dick. Sick, I know it, but the idea of arguing with her, seeing all that fire in her, turns me the fuck on. It doesn’t hurt that it beats seeing the fear and despair in her eyes.
“Going somewhere, Olive?” I ask, turning her attention to me.
Olive whirls around and narrows her eyes on me. “Let me out of here. I need to go.”
Shaking my head, I close the last of the distance between us and scoop her in my arms. “No can do, honey. Your ass is going right back to bed where you’re supposed to be right now.”
“You can’t keep me here,” Olive sneers and wiggles in an attempt to get out of my grasp.
“I’ll keep you where the hell I want to keep you, Olive, and you know it. Now shut it with the attitude because it’s getting my dick hard, and you are in no shape for anything that comes to mind.”
Olive’s eyes widen and a gasp leaves her lips. From the blush that coats her cheeks, I know she didn’t expect me to say something like that to her. I’m sure I shouldn’t have, but she gets under my skin way too damn easily.
“I need to get out of here,” I mutter to myself for the umpteenth time. For a month now, I’ve said the same thing and haven’t been able to go anywhere. Shiner has ensured this by keeping a very close eye on me.
When he doesn’t, one of his brothers does. He’s kept me here at the clubhouse while he goes home with Milo during the week. During the day, while Milo is at daycare, he comes here and checks on me. He tries to talk to me, but after what he said at the gates of the clubhouse, I refuse to speak to him. Mostly because I don’t understand any of it. Why would he say what he did about me getting his dick hard? Or better yet, he thinks he can keep me where he wants me.
I’ll find a way out of here, and then I’m getting out of town. I can’t deal with this anymore. The bruises are, for the most part, healed. Shiner’s cousin, Rebecca, came by to take out the stitches a week after and drew blood. She repeated this each week to make sure none of the men who hurt me transmitted something to me that I didn’t want. She gave me her number and took mine. That is after I got a new phone, all thanks to Shiner. He’d gone out and bought me a brand-new Android. I’ve always preferred iPhone, but I didn’t tell him this.
I didn’t speak to him at all.
That didn’t stop him from talking to me. He’d tell me about Milo and what he had going on that day. Then he’d head out, leaving me alone again. This didn’t mean I was actually alone. Chelsea and two other women who were introduced as Storm and Meadow, would keep me company.
A week after I’d been in the clubhouse, Chelsea came into my room, handed me a laptop, and said I was going back to work. I couldn’t actually leave the clubhouse, she knew this as well as I did. None of the men here were going to let me leave, so she’d brought the work to me. This was a good thing. I wasn’t going to go completely batty staring at the walls of this building. Chelsea informed me that she hired someone to take on the front desk, and I was now her assistant.
Thanks to her doing this, it kept me busy for a little while at least.
I learned to venture out of Shiner’s room late at night so as not to run into what Chelsea explained to me were the fallen harlots of the club. Mainly they were whores who gave it up to the men around here who wanted them in their beds. I also learned first-hand I didn’t want to be anywhere around them if I didn’t have to be.
Especially two in particular, Tessa and Rubi. Neither of them actually did anything to me, but they made their threats known that I’m not welcome here. The others simply gave me the stink eye.
This is why I learned to go out of the room late at night when those women were busy attending to the brothers or early in the morning when everyone is sound asleep. I try my hardest not to think about the possibility of Shiner being with one of those horrific women. He’s got to get his needs taken care of somewhere . . .
Ugh, why do I even care? It’s not my place.
I need to get out of here, and then it will be all over with. I won’t have to worry about being around any of them.
It’s simply a matter of finding my way out of here without being dragged right back. I don’t understand why they won’t let me out of here. I mean nothing to any of these people. Well, maybe Chelsea, but still not really. She’s my employer.
Glancing over at the clock, I find it nearing midnight. It should be late enough I could go grab a drink and snack without any issues of anyone being in the kitchen. I give myself a once over, knowing already what I look like without actually looking in the mirror. Messy hair in a knot on top of my head, leggings, a pair of Shiner’s socks on my feet, and in one his shirts. It’s what I’ve been sleeping in for the most part.
I make my way to the door, slowly open it, check the hallway, and step out. On silent feet, I walk toward my destination, praying not to run into anyone. I make it almost all the way there when I hear the sounds of a woman’s moans and stop. My head twists in the direction of the sounds. To my horror, Shiner’s standing there, hand in the back of Tessa’s hair while she bobs her head, and beneath her is Rubi, her mouth on . . .
“Oh my God,” I whisper, my heart beating wildly.
Shiner must have heard me because he stills his movements, eyes locking on me as his gaze darkens. “Olive,” he growls and jerks away from the woman’s mouth that had encased him.
“Don’t stop on my behalf.” Slowly, I back away. The beating in my chest turns to an ache, and I know now more than ever that I need to get out of here. Seeing him with my sister was enough. This, however, is different.
Twirling around on the tips of my toes, I rush back down the hall, hearing Shiner calling my name. I can’t deal with this right now. Not that I know how. I don’t understand why it even bothers me so much. It’s not like I’m his, and he’s mine. It doesn’t matter that he’s kept me in his room or that he took care of me. Maybe he just felt obligated.