“What makes you think that?” Blow asks calmly.
“Because of this,” Keys answers, nods to the screen on the far wall, and turns it on to show what he’s looking at on his laptop. “Those sick bastards filmed what they did to her.”
My eyes are glued to the screen, seeing exactly what Olive endured.“Turn the volume up,” I order.
Keys does as told, and seconds later, Olive’s screams fill the room. She’s pleading for them to leave her alone—the cackles of men who will die soon enough at my hands. I memorize the voices. They’re smart enough to wear masks to keep identities a secret, but I take note of their eyes and other features each man holds.
“Turn it off,” Blow commands tersely.
“Wait,” I state and reach to Keys, take the remote from him, turn the volume up higher, and that’s when I hear it. The laughter that Olive’s screams mostly hide. “She fuckin’ filmed this shit.” I toss the remote back on the table and throw myself back in my chair, feeling like a sledgehammer hit me right in the chest.
“You mean Sasha filmed this?” Nines asks, looking for confirmation.
“Yeah, that’s her voice.” There’s no denying her laugh. It’s got a uniqueness to it. It’s almost like a tinkering. I always thought it grating, but I was into her at the time, so I didn’t mind it. Mostly, I figured it was what she’d laugh at that struck a nerve with me.
“Bitch is sicker than the bastards hurting Olive,” Lucky sneers.
“What are we gonna do here?” Griz grunts.
“We’re going to find the bastards and give them a message of our own,” Blow declares, slamming his fist on the table. “Keys, you find anything else?”
Keys adjusts in his seat, closes his laptop, and leans back. “I have a program running facial recognition and looking for anything that could be in Sasha’s name. I also put in Olive’s name to see if the dumb bitch would use her sister’s name rather than her own. I’m hoping to have more in a bit, but so far, nothing.”
“Try Milo’s name.” I wouldn’t put it pass her to use her son’s name. “Also, try Sonia Kostenko.”
“Who the hell is Sonia Kostenko?” Blow demands.
“Sonia Kostenko is Sasha and Olive’s older sister. Half-sister, I should say. They share the same father. Kostenko had an affair with Olive’s mother. I don’t know much more. It was a touchy subject at best. The mother died, and the father wanted nothing to do with either girl. According to what I remember, Sonia was supposedly his princess, and Sasha hated her.”
“She had the life Sasha wanted for herself,” Griz states, nodding. “But what the fuck does she got against Olive?”
“That I don’t know.” I don’t understand it, but from the way Olive explained things, I guess because of me.
“Do you know the father’s name?” Keys asks, reopening his laptop.
“No. Just remember the sister’s.”
“Right,” Keys mutters. “I’ll take a look into this, get a file together. Should I get contact information? Maybe the father will know something more that could help.”
“You get it,” Blow remarks. “I’ll make the call and get a feel for the man.”
“I’m in on that conversation,” I declare, meeting Blow’s gaze head-on.
“Figured you would be.” Blow smirks. “You claiming her?”
“Damn right, I am,” I state before I think better of it. The woman is my undoing, and I damn well know it.
“Then you might want to go after her.” Keys snorts. “She’s made it outside the clubhouse.”
Shooting up and out of my seat, I dart around the table and rush out of the room, throwing the door wide open. I don’t bother looking around the room as I stalk out of the building in search of the woman who is a pain in my fucking ass.
I find her arguing at the gate with one of the prospects and grit my teeth together at what she’s wearing. The damn woman might as well not be wearing anything at all. Olive’s tits are barely contained in the tank top she’s got on, and the shorts barely cover her ass. If the prospect doesn’t get his eyes off Olive’s chest, I’m gonna end up breaking his nose to teach him a lesson.
To top it all off, she’s got her hair up in a messy knot on the top of her head.
“Just open the damn gate,” Olive snaps, waving an arm.