I thanked Emily and the rest of the team, feeling a surge of gratitude and determination. This was my chance to make a difference, to share my passion for sports in a whole new way. I knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but I was ready to embrace it with open arms.
As I left the studio that evening, I couldn’t help but smile. The first day at So Sports had exceeded all my expectations, and I was eager to dive headfirst into this new chapter of my life. With the support of my colleagues and the love of my wife, Lore, I knew I could tackle any obstacle that came my way.
I stood backstage at the studio, my heart racing with anticipation as I prepared for the exclusive interview. This wasn’t just any ordinary press conference; it was an opportunity to introduce the love of my life, my wife Lore, to the world. My agent, Marcus, had worked tirelessly to arrange this moment with my new employer, and I couldn’t have been more grateful.
As I adjusted my suit and took a deep breath, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Lore, her eyes shining with love and support. She looked absolutely stunning, her beauty radiating from within.
“Are you ready for this, baby?” she asked, her voice soft and encouraging.
I smiled, taking her hand in mine and bringing it to my lips for a tender kiss. “With you by my side, I’m ready for anything.”
Together, we walked out onto the stage, greeted by the bright lights and the applause of the studio audience. The interviewer, a well-known journalist in the sports world, welcomed us with a warm smile.
“Niko Lockwood, it’s an honor to have you here today,” she began, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “And who might this lovely lady be?”
I grinned, pride swelling in my chest as I introduced Lore. “This is my incredible wife, Lore. She’s not only the love of my life but also an extraordinarily talented artist and an inspiring art teacher.”
Lore smiled, her hand squeezing mine as the interviewer turned her attention to her. “That’s wonderful, Lore. It’s clear that you both have a passion for what you do. Now, I have to ask, how did you two meet? It seems like there’s a story there.”
I glanced at Lore, a mischievous glint in my eye. We had agreed not to mention Arranged Hearts, not because we were ashamed of how we found each other, but because we knew our love story was so much more than that.
“Well,” I began, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, “let’s just say that God brought us back around to each other in the most unique way.”
Lore nodded, her eyes meeting mine in a moment of shared understanding. “It’s true. Our paths had crossed before, but it wasn’t until fate intervened that we truly found each other.”
The interviewer leaned forward, intrigued. “That sounds incredibly romantic. Can you tell us more about that initial meeting?”
I chuckled, the memories of that fateful night flooding back. “It was at a nightclub, of all places. I was out with my teammates, and Lore was there with her friend. We ended up dancing, talking, and just connecting on a level I had never experienced before.”
Lore smiled, her eyes misty with emotion. “It was like we had known each other forever, like our souls recognized each other in that moment.”
The interviewer sighed, clearly touched by our story. “That’s beautiful. And now, here you are, married and building a life together. How has that journey been?”
I took a moment to gather my thoughts, wanting to convey the depth of my love and admiration for Lore. “It’s been incredible. Lore has been my rock, my inspiration, and my partner in every sense of the word. She’s taught me so much about love, about art, and about what truly matters in life.”
Lore blushed, her eyes filled with love and gratitude. “And Niko has been my unwavering support, my source of strength and encouragement. Together, we’ve faced challenges and celebrated triumphs, and I know that our love will guide us through whatever the future holds.”
As the interview came to a close, I brought Lore’s hand to my lips once more, a silent promise of forever. Our love story may have been unconventional, but it was ours, and it was perfect in every way.
And with Lore by my side, I knew that the best was yet to come. Because together, we had found a love that could conquer anything, a love that would stand the test of time.
The music played loud over my speakers, blocking out any thoughts other than the painting in front of me. I didn’t have to teach a class today so I figured I would finish working on my next piece. It wasn’t known by many but my artist name was different from my birth name. All of my paintings went under the name Allure, due the sensual nature of my art.
I loved how close it was to my actual name but it gave me the space to create without all the commotion. It was funny I chose a name so I could have a private life, then I went and married a man who couldn’t have a private life if he wanted to. But life had a funny way of showing you, you can’t hide forever.
Mahalia and even my parents had told me I should stop hiding behind that name but I was afraid the moment my art had a face to go with it, it would lose its beauty and meaning. It was too important to me. It was worth more than letting the world know I was one of the biggest artist in the world.
I felt cocky even thinking that, but there was no thought to it. Especially since I had gotten a piece of mail with a beautiful gold seal. I knew what it was before I opened it. I had been ignoring it for weeks, not ready to step out from behind the name I crafted to keep my art safe.
This letter was attached to the biggest honor an artist could receive. I hadn’t told Niko about it or even mentioned that I was a bigger deal than he could imagine. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust him but I wanted to see how he would treat me if he thought I was just a simple artist who made a couple thousand every now and again but who also played art teacher by day. It was a lot bigger than that. I was a millionaire, I just didn’t allow money to change me.
To be honest, the only reason I decided to sell my art was because of that one night with Niko. He said something to me that night that would change who I became today. I stopped painting as that night came back to me in full swing.
I walked around the room infatuated with the art that adorned the walls in the suite. Niko stood close to the door, unmoving, but his eyes ate up every step I took.