Page 38 of Allure

I glanced over my shoulder with a smile. His hands were tucked into his pockets with a smirk.

“Can I help you, sir?” I asked.

He strolled over toward me with his hands still in his pockets, then past me, toward the couch in the center of the room. He patted the cushion beside him so I followed his lead and took a seat. This was my first time having a one-night stand and I was certain I wasn’t doing it right. I turned to face him with a tight-lipped smile.

“I’m doing this all wrong, aren’t I?” I asked.

He laughed for the first time since being in this room.

“There is no right or wrong way. We can just vibe. I like your energy, anyway. I’m not saying I wouldn’t like to be sliding as deep as I can get in you, but I also don’t mind hearing you talk. Tell me your dreams,” he said.

Niko leaned back and got comfortable against the couch cushions. Then he turned to face me. I saw his arousal begging to be released but I ignored it and followed his lead, getting comfortable too.

“Um, I feel my dreams are easier said than done. I just want to share my art with the world. But the thing is with me, I love the art, not all the nonsense that can come with it.”

He turned slightly so he could get a good look at me as I spoke.

“What do you mean? I’ve never heard of any drama in the art world,” he asked.

I laughed. “When you get a bunch of creatives in one space who think their work is superior to the next, trust me, you can get a little drama. I don’t want to be part of that. It’s not about the money to me; it’s how I feel when I do it. Art is my escape. It’s the one place I am certain I belong. Can you really add a price tag to that?” I asked.

Niko turned to face the wall in front of us, no longer looking up at me.

“It’s easier than you would think. I play ball and it comes with a hefty price tag. Shit, I love the game, but let’s be real. I need to be compensated for entertaining the masses. Shit, for making the network money. I’m gon’ need my cut. It doesn’t matter how much I love it, this life isn’t free. At some point, you’re going to have to figure out that part of it,” he said.

I ran his words over in my head a few times before looking back in his direction to see him staring at me intently. He was truly interested in the things I had to say and that was new for me with men.

“I guess you’re right.”

“Definitely. If you want to do this for life, you also need to be able to take care of yourself. Charge your worth and then add a few thousands on top of that,” he responded.

I smiled, taking in every word. If only he knew how much this moment was needed.

“You’re very shocking, Mr. Lockwood,” I told him.

He reached out, picked up my hand and placed a kiss against the top of it.

“And don’t you ever forget it.”

The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. I quickly placed my brush into the cup of water beside me, then rushed over to answer before the call went to voicemail. I didn’t usual leave the ringer on but I wanted to be available whenever Niko called so I could hear about his day.

I wiped my hands quickly, then swiped to answer.

“Hey, honey. I know you’re probably working but I had to call and check in on you. You know we tried to give you a little space but I missed hearing your voice,” my mom said as I answered.

I couldn’t help but smile. I walked over to grab the remote to my stereo and paused the music. I wanted to give my mother my undivided attention.

“I’ve been meaning to call, but the moment we got back, I missed my paints and things. It was like I left my kids while going on vacation and now I was ready to get back to them.”

My mom laughed. “You’ve always been that way. You remember that time your father and I thought we were the best parents in the world. We took you all the way to Disney and told you that you couldn’t bring any of that. You were so upset, I remember it like it was yesterday. We ended up buying you a paint kit while there and that was all you wanted to do. I always tell your father at least we got a picture of Disney from that trip.”

I laughed, remembering the moment like it was yesterday. Art had always felt like it was part of me and I couldn’t leave it behind. I had gotten better now that I was older, but around that time. I was addicted to the peace it brought me even at that young age. It was my time away from everything.

“Yes, life was so simple, then. But thinking of that it reminds me how much you and Dad nurtured my gift. I feel like I haven’t thanked you enough for that. I truly appreciate both of you,” I told her.

“Honey, we love you and will do anything to make your dreams come true. It was a no brainer to make sure you had everything you needed.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.