Albie was relieved. “Good.”

Percy looked over at Robert. “Is he asleep?” he whispered.

Albie nodded.

“It’s just that he’s not snoring,” Percy added.

“I heard that,” Robert grumbled, and both Percy and Albie laughed.

Percy lay on the floor, using Albie’s coat as a pillow, his own coat as a blanket. Albie felt bad that Percy had to sleep on the floor. The poor man hadn’t slept well since he’d joined them.

But they couldn’t share a bed, could they?

He dared not suggest it, given the lurid direction his dreams had taken him last night.

So Albie lay on the bed, hands restless, staring at the ceiling.

And then Robert began to snore.


Percy groaned. “There it is.”

“It’s awful, isn’t it?” Albie replied.

“I considered the stable at about three o’clock this morning,” Percy admitted.

“Oh, heavens,” Albie whispered. “I’m sorry.”

“What are you apologising for?” Percy asked. “It’s not your fault.”


He wasn’t sure that was true.

He was responsible for all their welfare now.

Percy rolled onto his side, and Albie assumed that was the end of their conversation. If he hadn’t slept well these last few nights, and with the early start this morning, perhaps he’d manage some sleep tonight...

But then he tossed, and he turned. The wooden floor couldn’t have been comfortable, but Robert’s snoring was bad. Not to mention the muted snores coming from all the rooms.

He was just about to suggest he share his bed when Percy sat up.

“What are you doing?” Albie whispered.

“Might go check the horses again,” Percy said.

No, he wasn’t. He was going to sleep in the blasted stable.

Albie sat up. “Here, you take the bed.” Not that he particularly wanted to sleep on the floor either. “Or we can share,” he hedged. Then quickly added, “I’d rather you managed some sleep tonight, given you haven’t slept well since you started with us. Lack of sleep makes for silly mistakes, and I can’t have you injured or causing harm to my horses.”

Yes, telling him it’s a safety issue made sense. As his employer, it was his duty to look after his workers.


Percy looked up at him, his face silver in the dark. “Share?”

Albie cleared his throat. “Sure. It’s just a bed for sleeping. Don’t make a big deal of it. If you’d rather go sleep with the horses...”