Percy was up on the bed in a flash. He shoved his coat under his head and closed his eyes, smiling in the dark.

Well, then.

That settles that.

Albie lay back down slowly. He’d have thought maybe they’d have lain head to feet, but no. Percy lay with his head right next to Albie’s, his eyes closed and that blasted smile that made Albie’s heart stutter...

Albie was too scared to move, almost too scared to breathe.

He dared to peek at him, at his beautiful face in the dark. Percy was so close, and Albie took it all in—his hair, his eyebrows, his nose, his lips, committing each line to memory. He may never have this again, so he would cherish this moment forever. He would forgo all sleep to not miss one moment. To count breaths like wishes, no dream could compare.

The rush, the thrill of it. How his heart was racing, this emotion too much for his chest to contain.

Percy’s lips parted, his breaths were deep and even, and Albie wanted to reach up and touch him. He wanted to trace every outline, map out every contour, every second.

But he wouldn’t. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t. He had neither the confidence nor permission, though heaven help him, he wanted to?—

Then Percy rolled toward him, the mattress sagging bringing his face even closer, his legs, his body.

Touching him.

Albie thought his heart might stop.

Percy mumbled in his sleep as if the devil himself was trying to tempt Albie, lure him in, closer, closer.

Then Percy snuggled in a little, then a lot, chasing comfort or warmth, Albie wasn’t sure. But he moved his arm up, Percy quickly using it as a pillow. Percy’s arms were folded up between them, his face almost in Albie’s neck.

How Albie’s thumping heart didn’t wake Percy up, he’d never know.

How his heart didn’t expire, Albie couldn’t say. It sure felt as if it might. Knocking almost painfully against his ribs.

But he was lying in bed with a man in his arms.

That man was also asleep and unaware, but Albie gave himself this moment to treasure for all his days.

He’d never forget the feel of it. The warmth, the comfort, the strength.

Nothing had ever felt this good.

This right.

Albie lay there for what must have been hours, Robert’s snoring an annoying metronome, but he didn’t dare move. Percy was finally getting some much-needed sleep and he didn’t want to disturb him.

At least that’s what Albie told himself.

Until the lull of Percy’s measured breaths, the warmth of his body, the weight of him, pulled Albie into sleep.

Chapter Eight

Percy woke up far too warm and far too comfortable. His body ached from not moving, and it took him a second to remember where he was.

In Alpine Falls, at the hotel.

In Albie’s bed.

The source of the warmth was Albie. Wrapped around him like a blanket. Percy couldn’t remember a time when he felt as safe as he did right then.

In the arms of a man.