It put an end to their euchre. Robert had beaten them both every game, though Percy wasn’t too bad a player. It was good to pass the time anyway.
When the tray was empty, Robert went to the washrooms to clean up before bed.
“Is he good?” Percy asked. “With the drink?”
Albie nodded. “He was once the town drunk, if you can imagine it.”
“Nooo,” Percy whispered, disbelievingly.
“My dad gave him a job and got him sober. Hardest worker now. He’s a good man, but I don’t think it’d be a long step back into trouble for him.” Albie shrugged. “Staying up here isn’t ideal, but?—”
“But it’s the right thing to do,” Percy said.
Robert came back in then, wiping his hands on the back of his pants. “What’s the right thing to do?”
Percy stood up. “Going down to check the horses. That’s the right thing to do. Won’t be long.”
Albie was about to argue, but Percy was right. “Here, take a lantern.” He handed him one of the two lanterns in the room. “Don’t be long. If anyone asks for trouble, don’t answer ’em.”
Percy’s blue eyes and smile shone in the lantern light. “Yes, boss.”
The hide of him.
Albie closed the door behind him.
“He seems a good lad,” Robert said.
Albie nodded, trying not to give himself away. He had very impure thoughts about Percy just the night before, so...
“He is,” Albie replied. “Don’t know what his story is though. Has he said anything to you about his family?”
Robert shook his head. “And I didn’t ask. If he wanted me to know, he’ll tell me.”
“Fair enough.” Albie bit back a sigh. “Might go wash up too.”
He went into the washroom and was glad to find it empty. He washed his face and scrubbed his hands but felt a sudden urge to go back to their room. He didn’t want to get caught alone by any of McAllister’s men, and he didn’t want to miss Percy’s return.
He slipped back into their room. Robert was lying on the bed, his eyes closed.
“Percy still not back?”
“Nope,” Robert mumbled.
Albie sat on the edge of the bed because pacing seemed an overreaction, even though he wanted to pace.
Robert rolled over and faced the wall. “Albie?”
“Thanks,” he said quietly. “For tonight. You are your father’s son.”
Albie smiled at the back of his head, his whole chest filling with pride. It might have struck a tear as well, but he swallowed it down. “Any time.”
Their door opened then and Percy came in, breathless.
Albie got to his feet. “Everything right?”
Percy seemed surprised by Albie’s concern. “Yeah. It’s all quiet down there now. Horses are fine. No one’s getting into that stable because the dogs almost had me until they realised it was me.”