Page 45 of Yours Temporarily

The evening progresses, and Hope and Zuri connect with an ease that comforts me. Not that I ever doubted Hope’s ability to connect, given her easygoing personality.

As we begin clearing the table, Hope shares more wisdom with Zuri about facing my mom. “No matter how convincing you two are as a couple”—she scoops food into a glass container—“Sara always has a scheme.”

Gavin takes the container from Hope and puts it in the stainless steel fridge. “No one will ever be perfect for Mom’s boys unless she’s chosen them as our spouses.”

Good thing Zuri is staying with Hope instead of at my parents’ house. I shudder thinking of Mom’s original sleep arrangements. I turn on the water and snatch the dirty plate from Zuri. “Is Mom still planning to have Sonya stay at the house?”

“Lucky and her parents are also staying the night at our house, starting Thursday.”

Lucky? Seriously? Mom’s still in touch with Gavin’s ex? “Two days before the wedding?”

“The families have been friends for years, so that figures.” Gavin reaches for another food container, keeping his foot on the fridge to wedge it open. He calmly accepts Mom’s plans, even when they include uncomfortable arrangements, unlike me with my unvoiced reservations.

“She’s not happy you’re staying with me by the way,” he says. “Either that or the fact that Uncle Luke gets to stay in your room instead.”

“It will be a good thing for Mom to bond with her brother, don’t you think?” I stack the drippy plate into the dishwasher.

He shrugs. “They haven’t seen each other in a long time. She’s probably more anxious about how they’re going to cope under the same roof.”

Speaking of family members, Gavin and I discuss the relatives anticipated at his house for the evening.

Meanwhile, Hope and Zuri are chattering about wedding preparations. I hear something about Hope’s plans for her bridesmaids that week.

“Gavin and I were planning to show some photos of our time in Uganda.”

“I want to see your adventures from Uganda!” Zuri clutches both of Hope’s hands, giddy, her curls bouncing. Man, she’s so adorable.

“Once the food’s put away, we can flip through a slideshow. Hope’s got it all ready for the ceremony.” Pride deepens Gavin’s voice. “It will be showcased during the ceremony.”

Soon, we settle onto the sofa. We watch vibrant images of their time at a hospital with the children, as well as them both standing in front of a breathtaking waterfall, and then their traditional ceremony that, with its informal nature, radiates authenticity and warmth. They look so happy, and a thought occurs to me about my upcoming best-man speech.

As I adjust my position, my leg brushes against Zuri’s. She doesn’t seem to notice with her attention fixed on the TV, but I’m contemplating moving again so I can repeat the sensation. Focus, buddy! I clear my throat. “These pictures are perfect. They’ll help me add depth to my speech.”

Gavin, lounging with ease, extends his arm along the sofa back behind Hope. “You know me better than anyone—no need for a formal speech.” He winks. “Unless you want to mention all those times I had to clean up your messes.”

“Seriously?” Yes, he’s teasing, and while I want to out him for his old habits of leaving his shoes in the middle of the house and letting the nanny clean up after him, I give him a free ticket so I don’t scare Hope.

“If my time with Jer is anything to go by”—Zuri jumps in with a playful defense—“I’d say he’s the meticulous one. It seems like he’s the one always cleaning up.”

My chest swells, more from her eagerness to defend me, than from her words themselves. I wrap an arm around her, drawing her closer, trying not to notice how well she fits or how good she feels. “You know me so well.” My voice cracks, the warmth in it unmistakable.

Gavin throws us a curious glance and smirks. “How long have you two been acquainted?”

“Long enough to actually like each other.” Hope taps his chest.

“But I’m more eager to hear how you two met.” Zuri’s eyes sparkle under the dim lights, her proximity thrilling me. “Please, do tell.”

“It wasn’t your typical meet-cute story.” Gavin grins as he faces Hope, his voice warm. “Hope had—and clearly still has—such an incredible spirit.”

“And Gavin is very bold.” Hope’s eyes light up. “It all started when he defended me from my mean boss. He was the first person to stand up for me.”

As they tell their love story, Zuri oohs and aahs, her hand resting on her chest as she takes in all the details. She asks questions, clearly not wanting to miss a step in their love story. Yes, this beauty’s a romantic.

We laugh and reminisce about their time in Uganda. The night stretches on until almost midnight when we drive the girls back to Hope’s place, a cozy ranch house—one of the investment properties Gavin will sell or rent after the wedding.

I hover by the door with Zuri standing not far from me as Gavin and Hope share a tender good-night kiss in the living room. My gaze drifts to the African wall hangings and a woven basket on the coffee table. It’s best I look anywhere but at Zuri as my mind whirls with the possibility of kissing her again.

“It’s a great place,” she says, and I manage a glance at her, her hands clasping her luggage.