Page 92 of A Sudden Romance

Overcoming one of the hardest pursuits in his life liberated him. Although he wasn’t a business owner, being here and starting an unknown adventure with the love of his life felt just right. But he had to laugh. “A sudden romance? I’ve loved you for years.”


Two months later...

Surrounded by the blue-green sea with clear blue skies, Iris crossed the expansive manicured lawn. The palm trees swayed with the afternoon breeze that stirred the ocean’s salty scent. In Hawaii, she loved getting away with a sundress in April.

She and her family, friends, and some of the wedding party had arrived at the resort yesterday, two days before Logan and Serafina’s rehearsal dinner. In two days, her brother would be marrying the love of his life.

Speaking of love, muffled deep voices murmured through the shrubbery as she entered the canopy of flowering bougainvillea, hibiscus, and rhododendrons separating the sidewalk from the beach kitchen. One of the voices sounded like Sabastian’s.

After almost an entire day of snorkeling and whale watching, everyone had scattered to nap, shower, and perhaps snack in the three separate kitchens on the property. When she and her siblings bought the private island, Eric had built the expansive beach house and cottages, plus other structures and a joint area for the family to gather whenever they all managed to make it here. In between their annual or biennial visits, they employed full-time staff year-round to keep up the place.

Beyond the bushes, birds flitted from a cluster of palm trees to the coconut tree. In the kitchen, Sabastian stood by the high stone counter, and the bamboo poles supported a thatch roof to shade and shelter his open-air domain.

Logan, tall and lean, furrowed his brows and raked a hand through his messy brown hair. Was he nervous about his wedding? No. He and Serafina had been best friends before they fell in love. They also saw each other almost daily. No way was he anything but excited and ready to marry the love of his life.

However, he’d better not be threatening her boyfriend. She sprinted across the bamboo decking and greeted the chef and two servers setting trays of appetizers on the counter.

“Iris.” Sabastian turned, blinking as if surprised to see her.

Flutters danced in her stomach. He looked so handsome in shorts and a cream button-down short-sleeved shirt.

Warmth rushed through her as she gripped the two elephants brushing against her chest. The necklace he’d given had become a favorite.

When she reached him, he drew her into his arms and brushed his lips to hers.

“I’ve been looking for you.” She pulled back, grinning. She’d wanted to spend some time with him before her family swarmed them.

“Um.” He stepped out of the embrace and looked at Logan.

Right, her brother was there.

“I’m going to pretend I’m not bothered at all. A man kissed my baby sister in front of me. That’s all.” Logan winked at her, and she scooted over to hug him. He’d always been her anchor, like all her siblings, but Logan stayed in touch the most.

In the months since Sabastian moved to Boston, Logan and Serafina had visited three times and joined her and Sabastian for dinner.