Page 91 of A Sudden Romance

“You’d do that for me?”

“For us.”

His chest squeezed. Any doubts he’d had about her love for him melted in the heat of that moment. “You are my home, Iris. I’ll be anywhere you are.” She made every place enjoyable. “If you ever feel like moving permanently to Pleasant View, I’ll be right with you. Until then, I got a job as a sous-chef at the Deux Hotel—”

“The five-star hotel? When?” The shock on her face was priceless. “You mean in Boston? You’re leaving Pleasant View?”

“It’s about time.”

“Aren’t you scared to live in a big city?”

“I’m more scared of living without you in my life.”

She beamed and flung her arms around him. “I love you so much.”

Savoring having her in his arms, he pushed out the words caught in his throat. “I love you too.”

“Tell me about this job.” She scooted over, then ushered him to sit on the white leather chair beside the bed.

“I applied as a janitor.” He told her about his virtual interview and the in-person interview he’d had that morning. “They were scrambling when I walked in.”

It had been chaos when he’d arrived at nine.

“The manager was in a heated conversation with the receptionist and one of the chefs. Apparently, the sous-chef got angry yesterday and didn’t show up this morning. They called him, and he said he quit. Then the receptionist recognized me from ‘The Winter Showdown.’ Next thing I knew, I was in the kitchen making pastries instead of interviewing for a janitorial position.”

“I’m so proud of you.” She clapped, then stilled, peering up at him altogether too adorable with mussy hair. “Are you still hoping to open a restaurant soon?”

He nodded, although now unsure if that was what he wanted to do. “I’d rather focus on our relationship right now. I want to take my girlfriend on a date, lots of dates, and do things romantic couples do.” While they weren’t under watchful eyes at The Peak. “I like the flexibility of this job, and it gives me Sundays off—something I couldn’t guarantee if I were overseeing my own kitchen. Plus, I don’t think everyone is cut out to run a business.”

“We’ll figure it out together.” With her bare feet dangling, she reached out and touched his hand. “Sounds like you started already. They let you off early?”

“I work until one. They’re also letting me stay at the hotel until I find a place.”

She squealed again. “I’m so excited for you.”

“I have you to thank for it.” She’d motivated him to leap out of The Peak, preparing him for this day, this moment. He stood and moved next to her on the bed again, then brushed a tender kiss on her lips. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”

“Oh.” She drew back, scrunching her nose. “I forgot it’s Valentine’s Day. Thank you for my flowers.”

“I know you don’t feel well, but if it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay for the rest of the day and take care of you.”

“You’re here. I already feel better.” She rubbed her finger at her temple.

He doubted she’d eaten anything yet. “With the mystery ingredients I had to use at the show, I think I could whip up something for you.” He started for the door, unsure of what she had in her fridge. “Do you have any food at all in your pantry or fridge?”

“My house cleaner was here yesterday. I don’t know what she stocked up in there.” She wiped her eyes. “If it’s okay, can you please get me some ibuprofen? It’s in the kitchen medicine cabinet.”

As he spilled pills from the canister onto the counter, a grin split across his face. He was in Boston. Far from the comfort of his small town. With his girlfriend—with Iris. His chest expanded.

He returned to her side and waited while she took the pills. Then he set aside the water glass and brushed the tangly hair back behind her ears. “You have no idea how I feel right now.” He cupped his palm to her cheek. “All those years... loving you, but never thinking you could love someone like me. All those years... stifling dreams, but believing they’d fail.”

He shook his head. “The fear of uncertainty—fear of failure—prevented me from leaving my comfort zone, from striving to be the best I could be, and from reaching for all God planned for me. Fear kept me stuck, unable to confess my feelings to the woman of my dreams and holding too tightly to all I’d been given, even not seeing the blessings for what they were in fear of losing them too.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but he moved his thumb to her lips, needing to finish.

“You have no idea what a blessing you’ve been in my life.” For her, he’d confronted fear and surrendered his safety net. For her, he’d do just about anything. “Through you—your adventurous spirit, your encouragement, and your belief in me—I realized I’m not that poor kid living above a restaurant and envying others with ‘real’ lives. I’m not the homeless guy all alone in the world. I’m not even the chef who bumbled through the cooking show disaster—not anymore. I’m a man on the brink of a brand-new life where anything is possible.”

She tipped her head, moving her lips to press against the palm he’d held to her cheek. “It’s been a sudden romance, and we’re both starting anew—‘a new and glorious morn.’”