“If you’re looking for the girls, I saw them at the dock.”
Huh? Sabastian sounded as if he needed her to leave. She cocked her head. He was gripping the back of his neck, so she eyed her brother. “Did I interrupt anything?”
“Actually, Sabastian was supposed to help me with... Uh, the thing.” Logan grimaced as he peered over her head to Sabastian. “What was it again?”
“The clubhouse, your dad...”
“You two are terrible liars.” She shook her head, then leaned in to kiss Sabastian’s cheek. Whatever the guys were planning she had to trust was discreet. Maybe a surprise for Serafina Logan didn’t want Iris blabbing. She patted Sabastian’s back and grinned at her brother. “Whatever you’re up to, you two have fun. I’ll see you both at the yacht for dinner and entertainment in a few hours.”
Could that be why Sabastian had skipped whale watching with the family? He’d been acting strange and even seemed to have reverted to his quiet bashfulness before they’d gone snorkeling.
She’d spent enough time with him to know when something was off. Perhaps she’d have time to run into him and find out what was up before they met with the family.
On Valentine’s Day, he’d stayed and taken care of her, making her tea, then dinner. He left that evening but returned the next morning. Since she’d been better then, they’d gone to church together, then out on a date Sunday evening, and ice-skating after.
He’d kept his word to date her, and they’d seen each other daily as they did fun things together. He was happy at his new job, more so after he’d made his lemon icing one day for the pastries and a food critic started raving about the hotel’s lemon icing. The hotel was under negotiations with Sabastian to make a line of his frostings and sell it in their local gift shop, plus all their other locations.
As she approached the dock and the expansive ocean, Serafina and her bestie, Vanessa, stood side by side before Liberation, the four-story superyacht Iris and her siblings owned. Eric and Logan owned the smaller eight-passenger yacht next to the Liberation and their sailboat.
Her chest swelled over the family yacht’s name. Her siblings reasoned it implied the freedom from childhood traumas they’d found after being adopted.
When her family wasn’t on the island, the yacht was used for charters and transporting people from one island to another. It was also used for the minimal visitors who came to their island seeking a respite from the media or other pressures in their lives. Between the vacation cottages and the yacht charters, they generated a decent stream of income to pay the estate maintenance.
“Hey, ladies,” Iris called.
As they waved, the water lapped the shore, dock pilings, and vessels.
“Everyone vanished.” Serafina shook her hair down her back, her thick locks cascading below her shoulders on the green sundress with red hibiscus print. “I decided to bring my maid of honor to talk through some things.”
“Hope you’ll have some tips for bridesmaids too.” As one of the bridesmaids, Iris wagged a finger at her almost sister-in-law.
“Perhaps you can help suggest—”
Beyond the boardwalk, Nate strode over as if on a mission. His dark hair shone in the afternoon light, and he beamed as brightly as the tropical sun.
“Please tell me Nate is going to be the best man.” Vanessa spoke with soft breathlessness, her flawless dark-brown skin beautiful as her attention lingered on Nate. She pushed her wavy dark hair to the side. “Tell me he broke up with that woman on GQ.”
Nate was GQ’s cover model last month. Seeing how flustered Vanessa appeared, Iris gave her the facts fast. “He was only posing with the model for the magazine.”
Eyes still intent on Nate, Vanessa whispered, “Please be the best man.”
“Logan finally decided. Bryce will be the best man.” Serafina spoke through laughter, and Iris giggled as Nate reached them. His broad shoulders stretched out his soft cotton polo shirt.
“Afternoon ladies.” He flashed a cocky grin, either aware Vanessa had been gawking at him or just being his charming self.
“What’s up, Nate?” Serafina asked.
Iris peeked at Vanessa, who was looking anywhere but at Nate now that he was standing in front of them.
“Is it okay if I steal my sister for a few?” He reached out and snagged Iris’s hand.
Serafina smiled. “Of course.”
Before Iris could ask where they were going, Nate was hastening her down the dock.
“She’ll be back in a few.” His words bounced over their backs as she tried to catch her breath.