“Take what you need, Theo,” he said.

Theo swallowed as he looked down at the monster’s overly large cock. He reached out and palmed it, testing its length and weight.

“Smaller,” he demanded.

The monster gripped Theo’s hips as his cock visibly reduced in size, settling in at a nice span of girth and enough length that it would have Theo panting in no time. He lifted Theo easily, guiding him to where his cock waited. The monster arched his hips and then slowly, oh so slowly, he lowered Theo down onto his thick cock.

Theo cried out as it entered him.

Cried out again as the length filled him.

And then once more and the monster swelled inside of him, filling Theo to the point of absolute pleasure.

“Yes,” he whispered. “Yes.”

The monster moved his hands to Theo’s cock and wrapped them around him, entirely enclosing Theo’s much smaller length and pumping it up and down. His movements were in time with Theo’s, so as Theo fucked him, he hand-fucked Theo.

Theo couldn’t lean forwards with his bad wrist, so he rode the monster instead, and it was like nothing he had ever experienced. He threw his head back as the monster’s cock went in and out of him, as he slid his ass up and down on it, and as his cock was pumped over and over.

It didn’t take Theo long to come. He erupted all over Baku’s hands and all over his belly, wave after wave of his cum splashing between them. It was only when Theo looked down that he saw it was purple. He laughed, he couldn’t help himself, but the laughter quickly ceased when Baku flipped him onto his hands and knees and buried himself once more in Theo’s tight hole.

The monster fucked Theo hard then. His cock increased in size, swelling up nicely, and Theo was soon panting with desire once more. Baku went hard and he went fast, and it didn’t take long for Theo to realise that the monster had been gentle with him before. He was less so now. Instead, he filled Theo’s ass with his cock. He pumped it in and out with a speed and a precision that soon had Theo moaning for more.

The second orgasm came hot on the heels of the first and Theo sobbed just a little bit as Baku filled him with his cum, creating one of those whole body orgasms that entirely took Theo’s mind off the pain in his wrist and instead had him gasping and begging for more.

By the time he fell onto the bed and into Baku’s arms, Theo honestly wasn’t sure how he would ever be able to live his life again if it didn’t include the feel of Baku inside of him, the feel of the orgasm running through his fingers and toes, and the absolute pleasure that gave him.

“Being fucked by you is…”

“Is what?” the monster asked as he dropped a kiss onto Theo’s head.

“It’s perfection,” Theo said, and the monster laughed slowly, softly.

“I wonder how it will feel when you fuck me?” he asked after a moment, and Theo moved quicker than he had ever moved before.

“I think we should definitely find out!” he said.

And they did.



“How purple do I look?” Theo asked as they lay together almost a week later, fingers interlocked, bodies pressed close.

Baku smiled at him. “Very.”

He pulled Theo closer still so that there was barely an inch between them. They had woken just a few hours ago, and Theo had been beyond delighted to fuck Baku for the third time. The monster had happily accepted Theo’s small length, taking every inch inside him until Theo gasped out an orgasm, but he’d finished up inside Theo, plumbing him ruthlessly once more, and Theo was more than happy with that. It was absolutely the best of both worlds.

It had only been a couple of hours, but Baku’s cock was hard again. Theo could feel it against him. And overly large once more, he realised, which seemed to be Baku’s natural state.

“I enjoy this look on you,” the monster added. “Makes you seem less alien.”

Theo laughed at that, struck by the impossibility of it all. Never in his wildest fantasies had he ever imagined a situation where he was being complimented on his newly purple skin by his own, purple-skinned alien monster.

“I don’t even know what you look like when your skin isn’t purple,” Theo said after a moment.

The monster spread his hands as if inviting Theo to view him more closely. “I am green without the nightmare’s essence.”