“It would make you feel secure.” He paused, being careful still. “You may not realise it, Theo, but you have felt drawn to me from the moment I pulled you into my world. This is part of how my species works, how we build bonds. When we decide to foster a closeness it becomes a physical thing, and it can rarely be resisted, even if only one of us decides upon it.”

Theo sucked in a breath. “You’ve made me feel this way?” he asked.

“What way?” the monster replied.

“I…” Theo shrugged. “Attracted to you?”

“You would feel that regardless,” the monster said. “I am your preferred type.”

“How do you even know that?”

“It is obvious.”

“Then what have you done to me?” Theo asked.

“I wanted you,” the monster said. “Wanted to feel close to you from the moment I pulled you up that hill and away from the rages. That feeling only increased as we slept next to each other, and I felt your body beside mine. I wanted the closeness and so now you want that too.”

Theo shook his head even though everything the monster said was correct and he realised that he should be quite angry about what he was hearing but honestly, he wasn’t. If anything, Theo was relieved because it explained it all now, how the touches felt, why they were so intense, and it also entirely absolved him of responsibility. He hadn’t allowed himself to be fucked by the monster because he was desperate and horny and lacking in any sense, but because Baku had bewitched him in some way!

The morality of that Theo would consider later. For now, there was no denying what the monster said. At least not to himself. To be held in the monster’s big arms, to be curved against him. Theo knew that it would be an experience unlike anything he had ever enjoyed before.

“I guess I could give it a try,” he eventually said.

And so he did. And the cries of the rages lasted only for a little while before the steady beats of Baku’s heart filled Theo’s ears and his mind instead. And before long he fell into the dreamless sleep he had wished for.



Being the very organised person that he was, Theo kept several mental lists detailing the very best moments of his life. One such moment was called ‘the greatest awakenings’ and it was basically a compilation of the best mornings of his life.

There was one in there from some years back when he’d awoken at five in the morning for a race around Bath and watched the sun explode in a beautiful cacophony of oranges and reds. Another when he’d been on holiday in Iceland and watched the northern lights dance across the sky in a flicker of greens and blues. And one when he’d had the best damn breakfast ever in a little café in London which was now covered in orange phlegm and at one point had been a nest for a litter of seventeen mini-spitting monsters.

But Theo knew even as his eyes fluttered open that this morning was going to make the list, no question, and that was simply because waking up with a monstrous tongue upon your cock was always going to be up there in the top ten.

Theo opened his eyes slowly and looked down to where Baku was running his ridged tongue up and down Theo’s length. It was beyond pleasurable, and Theo groaned as the monster’s tongue swirled around his cockhead, those little bumps doing something ridiculous to him. Baku looked up when he realised Theo was watching him and smiled around that cock. He continued to swirl his tongue, leaving Theo panting, and only when Theo started to beg did the monster take the entirety of Theo’s cock into his mouth. He sucked it over and over, and Theo moaned with pleasure. He reached down and threaded his fingers through that silver hair, urging the monster to suck harder, and he quickly complied.

Theo exploded into the monster’s mouth and Baku took it all, greedily lapping up Theo’s cum before flipping Theo over onto his stomach. Theo expected then that the monster would fuck him again and he was both thrilled and slightly concerned about that given how thoroughly he had been fucked the night before. Baku was big, and Theo needed time to recover!

He was just about to say as much when a monstrous hand began to firmly caress Theo’s ass cheeks, fingers and thumb kneading the flesh. Theo let out a groan of satisfaction. Baku was massaging him…and a moment later Theo realised the monster was also massaging himself. Theo could hear him self-pleasuring and he made to turn around and offer to take over, but Baku held him down, rubbing and caressing all over Theo’s body from his ass up to his shoulders.

Theo went slightly weak, as the combination of an early morning orgasm with what was shaping up to be the best massage of his life was enough for Theo to relax into it even as he could hear the monster growling behind him.

When Baku came over him, Theo simply nodded in satisfaction. The splash of that creamy cum was oddly welcome and what had started as one of the best mornings became possibly the best.

“You satisfy me,” the monster growled, and Theo could only nod again.


The monster leaned in, whispering gently in Theo’s ear. “This closeness, this intimacy, it will give us strength for the day ahead.”

Reality quickly intruded on what had been pure pleasure up until that point and Theo did flip himself over then to look up at Baku. He looked into the monster’s moonlit eyes as he considered whether what he was feeling was because Baku wanted it to be so or whether it would be anyway.

There was no way to know for sure.

And did it even matter at this point?

“We’ll need to set off soon?” Theo asked.