“Yes,” the monster agreed.

“It’s light out?”

“Within the hour.”

“I…” Theo started to say something, though he did not know what, and the monster seemed to sense his confusion as he simply reached out to caress Theo’s face. His hand was so huge it ended up covering it.

“I should clean up,” Theo finally said.

They separated, and Theo headed off the bathroom to deal with the cum splatters on his back and, if he was really honest, mentally prepare himself a bit for what was to come.

He splashed some water on his face and took a deep breath. He wished there was a mirror somewhere in the bathroom so he could take a damn good look at himself and maybe question what the hell he was doing.

He was in another dimension.

There was violence and quite probably injury ahead.

And he’d fucked a monster from the dimension that was entirely responsible for all that violence. A monster that was also leading him towards that probable injury! And yet, Theo felt…happy? Was that even the right word? Sure, the happiness was bubbling alongside a not inconsiderable amount of anxiety and fear but there was definitely happiness there. It made no sense and he cursed that he’d been conscripted into the MDF in the first place! Everything would have been so much simpler if he was at home in his flat in Bristol trying his best to avoid the rainbow-eyed beetles!

What day was it? A Saturday? He’d have slept in a little, watched some television, picked up a nice coffee from the café just down the street. In the afternoon he’d have shopped for groceries. In the evening he’d be at his board game club. He’d been on a winning streak, given their numbers had been depleted from the conscription—the perks of a monster invasion! The following morning would have been running club. He’d see several of his friends there. Non-monstrous friends.

But you didn’t want to fuck them.

Theo shivered, unable to deny the reality of that. It had been some years since he’d actively wanted to fuck anyone beyond a mild, vague sort of interest, squadron leader Joel included. But he’d wanted the monster from the moment he’d realised the other man wasn’t going to eat him, and if Theo was honest, he was sure that wasn’t something that the monster alone was making him feel. The attraction was simply something that could not be helped. Baku was too big and too muscular for it to be otherwise. Add in a sort of charming awkwardness that Theo was sure came entirely from the fact that they were from other dimensions, and the whole rush-to-the-rescue element, and Baku was exactly Theo’s type.

Abruptly he found himself wondering if he was the first human to be fucked by one of Baku’s people but quickly doubted it. If the rips had been there in some form all along then there had probably been a healthy sharing of DNA for thousands of years! There were probably entire species developed from the DNA of neighbouring dimensions.

What had happened had happened.

Millenia ago and now.

The main thing to be worrying about at this exact moment in time was not the inter-dimensional sex, and how it had come about, and whether Theo was entirely in his right mind, but the rages and the nightmares and whatever the hell else was to come!

“Get it together,” Theo whispered as he finished cleaning himself off. “It’s put up or shut up time now.”

Baku was waiting for him when he eventually emerged and had prepared some food for them. He passed Theo a bowl, which he took eagerly and ate in record time. They had other preparations to complete as well, and they did them together, Baku reaching out every so often to stroke or caress Theo. But in less than an hour they were all done, and Baku gestured to the door, his backpack next to him on the table between them.

“Are you ready, Theo?” he asked.

Theo nodded though he absolutely was not. A cry sounded in his mind, echoing horribly. He tried his very best to ignore it even as he asked, “Are we stocking up before we leave?”

“No,” Baku said. “From here the lighter we are the better.”

“And we’re going to be entering the forest?”


Another cry. Theo clenched his fists. It was harder to remember it all when he wasn’t being held in Baku’s arms. He was tempted for a moment to walk back into them and take a bit of strength from that, strength he would need to face the rages. He gave himself a shake. He could hardly spend the entirety of their journey holding the monster’s hand! He needed to get a grip.

“You have some weapons for us then?” he asked quickly, gesturing to the knife now strapped once more to his thigh. He noticed that Baku had a similar one. “This isn’t the only thing I’m going in with?”

“What weapon would you like?” Baku asked.

“A gun,” Theo said quickly, thinking longingly of the gun he had left behind in the OG Earth. “I would like a gun. A big one.”

The monster almost shrugged. “We have no such weapons here.”

Theo shook his head, confused now because his squadron had gone in chock full of guns, and it was absolutely the protocol of the MDF to have as many as possible. Shoot to kill all the way!