“I needed you to see,” Baku replied. “To understand.”

Another bullet. Baku pushed him down, keeping him from harm, and Theo knew then that Baku was right, and it wasn’t just because Theo was purple. It was because Baku was with him, and Baku was clearly not a human. His shimmering skin marked him clearly as something from the other dimension, what the MDF would call a monster, and they did one thing and one thing only with monsters.

“We must leave now, Theo,” he said, and he pressed the buttons on his wrist, opening a rip behind them.

It was darker still in Baku’s world, but Theo could see rolling hills and fields through the gap and he breathed a shaky sigh of relief. They would not need to enter the forest. Because Theo thoroughly intended to cross into the other world with his monster, he knew that then. He had little choice. His newly purple skin and his vibrating body made it so.

“I’m coming with you,” he said.

“Yes,” Baku replied. “You are.”

Another bullet and this one far too close for comfort. Baku grabbed him and they stepped through the rip. It closed an instant later to the sound of more bullets and shouts from the other side.

“We’re safe now, my human,” Baku said, and he pulled Theo into his arms.

Theo thought about the pinching monster that was just a few miles away sleeping in its cave, the matriarchal spider whose web was quite close indeed but dormant for now as she had eaten several small cat-like creatures in the last hour, and all the other monsters roaming Baku’s lands.

“Safe,” he said with a laugh. “I’m not sure you and I are ever going to be safe again!”

“Because of our plans?”

“Yes!” Theo said and he bent over and breathed in the air of what was quickly becoming his other home.

“We have some time before we get started on them,” Baku said. “For now, let us make shelter.”

And that was what they did.



They made it to the shelter much quicker than they had made it through the infestation zone. They didn’t bump into a single monster, which Baku had said was a bit of a miracle as many of them were nocturnal and he had been braced the whole time for another fight.

Theo was glad they had avoided one as Baku’s face was pinched with pain by the time they were inside the shelter. Once there Baku pulled out the artificial version of the pinching monster’s venom and used it on them both to heal their various wounds. It didn’t work on Theo’s sprained wrist, but he was able to apply a gel that took the worst of the sting away. The wound in Baku’s side was also too large to close completely, but they stopped the bleeding at least and Theo was able to dress it with some supplies inside the storage drawer.

Once they had addressed all their wounds, cleaned themselves up, and then eaten, they crawled into their bed, into each other’s arms, and both fell into a sleep filled with dreams of monsters, and inter-dimensional rips, and screaming flowers, and MDF soldiers with guns.

They woke the next morning slowly, almost solemnly, because they had so much to talk about, and so much to work through, but Theo didn’t want to face any of it yet. He felt that he had reached the end of a journey and was pausing for a moment before beginning a new one, and he wanted to take a moment to reflect on that. So, when Baku brought him a hot drink and dropped a kiss on his parted lips, Theo did not hesitate. He pulled the freshly healed monster against him and into his arms.

“Your wrist,” Baku said but Theo cut him off.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. But I need you, Baku, badly.”

“You do not wish to discuss what happened?” the monster asked.

“Yes,” Theo said. “I do. But not yet. Not now. I need you.”

“And I you, my human,” the monster replied.

Both men were already naked so there was no need to pull off clothes and all that nonsense. All Baku needed to do was settle himself between Theo’s legs and kiss him.

Which he did.

Many, many times.

Theo wrapped his arms around the monster’s neck, protecting his bad wrist as he did so, and he revelled in the monster’s kiss, feeling his lips, licking his tongue, and just enjoying every damn moment of it. He didn’t consider it then but there had been so many moments yesterday when if things had gone just a little bit different, he would never have experienced this again. Theo was so grateful that they hadn’t, that he could, and he expressed that by kissing Baku with all the passion that he had. Of course he was already hard. His cock was pressed between them desperate to be touched by the monster, desperate to be pleasured, to be made to come.

He pushed his body close to Baku’s, urging him to take and to give what they both needed, and he had imagined that Baku would simply slide into him, especially when he felt a splash of warm, welcoming liquid on his hole, but the monster did no such thing. He grabbed Theo by his waist, and he lifted him up so that in no time Theo was straddling him.