Page 80 of Wed to You

“You’re not going to give me the cold shoulder again are you?” Jagger stepped behind her, watching her through the mirror.

“Does it feel cold?” She let the robe drop from her shoulder.

Jagger’s hand caressed the smooth exposed skin, following with his lips in gentle seductive kisses. “Your shoulders are so soft.”

Her hand reached behind her and cupped him. “You’re not.”

He ground his hips against her hand. “I never am around you.” He turned her in his arms, his hips pushing her back against the vanity. Her eyes widened in surprise and anticipation. She gasped when he lifted her to sit on the table and insinuated himself between her legs. His hands slid up her legs, pushing the robe open as they did.

“Here?” All her girly parts fluttered to life.

He grinned as he reached into his robe pocket, pulling out the condom he’d stored there.

“Were you a boy scout?”

“No. But I believe in being prepared.”

She plucked the condom from his fingers. One dark brow rose at her action. “Strip.”

“Yes ma’am.” His robe pooled at his feet. “When we’re done here, we can try the shower.”

Her fingers traced the phoenix, sliding lower and lower until they brushed over the silky, hard length of him.

“Chelsea.” He groaned, grabbing the condom back, and with quick hands, sheathed himself.

She wrapped her hands around his shoulders. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the rational Chelsea was trying to warn her that letting down her guard with Jagger was a mistake. But as Jagger stepped between her thighs and slid into her in one long, delicious glide, rationality was silenced.

Jagger followedKaden and Chelsea through the front door. After his and Chelsea’s honeymoon night, they’d spent the next morning naked until lunchtime. Then they returned to the penthouse and spent the day at the zoo and park with Kaden. Jagger worried Chelsea’s willingness to let him touch her would end once they left the hotel, but the next night, back at the penthouse, once everyone was asleep, she gave in to him again.

Now, a day later, they were back at the estate in Virginia. He stopped in the middle of the foyer as realization hit: they were a family. Or at least a semblance of one. Kaden wasn’t his son, but the biology didn’t change Jagger’s love or desire to be Kaden’s father. Chelsea was his wife in every way, except for one: They weren’t in love. They liked each other, were working as a team to achieve their goals, and, even better, they were compatible in bed. More than compatible. Jagger had slept with many women, but none had ever so completely possessed him. Could this relationship grow into more?

“Forget something?” Chelsea waited for him at the bottom of the stairs.

“No. Just glad to be home.”

“Can we go swimming?” Kaden called from the top of the stairs.

“I have to check on the horses, but after that we can.” Jagger started up the stairs behind Chelsea.

“I can take him.”

Jagger couldn’t stop himself from grinning as an image of Chelsea in a bathing suit seared his brain.

“Yay!” Kaden ran off toward his room.

Jagger and Chelsea continued up the stairs and toward their room. Once inside, Jagger took her arm and pulled her to him. “I’d like to see you in a swimsuit.”

“I’m swimming with Kaden, so you’ll need to keep your hands and ogling to yourself.”

He grinned, not remembering ever bantering like this with a woman. “Maybe we can go for a midnight swim when everyone is in bed.”

Her brows drew together and she looked to the side as if thinking about it. “We could, but then I wouldn’t have a suit on.”


“In the South, midnight swims are for skinny dipping.”

Jagger’s libido cranked up to a hundred RPMs. “It’s a date. Tonight.”