She smiled. “Right now, I have a date with another Mr. Talbot.” She patted his cheek.
“Give me something to tide me over.” He leaned toward her, their lips a whisper away. He saw a flash of heat and desire in her eyes.
“Sure.” But she stepped away, walking around him to the middle of the room.
Jagger turned to watch, a little bit disappointed and a whole lot intrigued. Chelsea grabbed the ends of her shirt, pulling it over her head. Jagger put his hands on his hips to watch the show as she shrugged out of her cropped pants and kicked off her flats. With a gleam in her eyes, she reached behind her back to unhook her bra, tossing it at him. He caught it and groaned. Then she slid her panties down her strong legs.
“Here ya go, skinning dipping preview.”
He couldn’t hold back any longer. He stalked over to her.
“Ah, ah, ah.” She held a hand up to stop him. “This is just to tide you over.”
He groaned. “One touch.”
She shook her head. “You’ve got work to do and in any minute, Kaden will knock on our door.”
Undaunted, he moved closer. “One kiss, then. A kiss good-bye to send me off to work.” Wasn’t that what they did in real families?
Her smirk suggested she didn’t trust him. She probably shouldn’t. But with good intentions, he clasped his hands behind his back and gave her his most pitiful, needy expression.
She laughed. “You’re as bad as Kaden.” She put her hand around his neck, pulling him to her.
Once their lips touched, Jagger couldn’t help himself and his arms went around her. He prepared to be reprimanded, but she sighed and sank into the kiss.
“Miss Chelsea? I’m ready.” Kaden knocked on the door.
“That’s my cue.” She patted Jagger on the cheek. “Let me get my suit on. I’ll meet you downstairs,” Chelsea told Kaden.
Chelsea disentangled herself from Jagger. “Have a good day at the office.”
Jagger climbed in his truck to drive the short distance from the house to the stables. He never thought of himself as a truck guy. Even now, he didn’t think he pulled off rugged truck driving man. The truck was the most versatile and handy vehicle on the farm, so he put the truck in gear and headed out.
The faster he finished his work, the sooner he’d be back with Chelsea. He couldn’t get the image of her strong, luscious body out of his mind. He had a great imagination, so he was able to conjure an image of that body gliding through the pool. How warm she’d feel in the cool water when he took her in his arms. Yep, he was eager to get on with the day.
Jagger pulled in next to his foreman, Denny’s truck. He slid out and made his way to the office. Jagger conducted most of his business from his office at the house so he could be close to Kaden. The stable office was used mostly by Denny.
Jagger walked through the stables. A few of the horses peeked out of their stalls, hoping for a carrot or apple. “Sorry, guys.”
Denny looked up from paperwork when Jagger pushed open the door.
“Mr. Talbot.” Like Grayson, Jagger couldn’t get Denny to call him by his first name, but he knew that was a Southern custom.
“Denny. How are you?”
“Can’t complain. That new mare has settled in real nice. She’s as sweet as can be.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“Ol’ Rosco, he’s taken to biting again.”
“We’ll need to make sure Kaden avoids him.”
“Yes, sir. Oh, before I forget, the sheriff delivered this yesterday.” Denny handed Jagger an envelope.
Even before he saw the Charlotte Tavern court on the return address, Jagger knew what it was. It was as if his gut had a sixth sense. It clenched tight as he took the envelope.