“Oh!” Lexie brought her hands to her heart while Drake smiled.
“We’re expecting.”
Tears sprang to Chelsea’s eyes. She was so happy for them, but as always, Mitch’s happiness also brought feelings of grief. Brian would have been so thrilled for them. He was missing this. It was a reminder that he’d never have kids of his own.
Mitch looked at Chelsea. “We’ve already decided, if it’s a boy, we want to name him Brian. If that’s okay.”
The full waterworks sprung, and Chelsea launched herself into his arms, pulling Sydney into the hug too.
“I’m so sad he can’t be here, but I’m so happy for you.” Her voice filled with a bittersweet happiness for them.
Mitch’s arm tightened around her. “Me too.”
The dinner commenced with a buzz of questions. When was the baby due? December. Had they been planning it? Yes. Chelsea watched her two closest friends who’d found what everyone wanted: True love and happiness. It didn’t seem like she’d have that in her life, but she could witness it. Live it vicariously. As they finished up their meals, Chelsea gathered plates and took them to the kitchen.
“Since when are you so in the know about Jagger Talbot?” Mitch set plates on the countertop.
There was no mistaking the disapproval in his tone. She wanted to remind him he wasn’t her mother. Or her brother. But she knew that would hurt him. Brian had asked him to look out for her so he was. She couldn’t take that away from him. “I told you. Kaden was one of my students.”
“He was your student all year, but you’ve only mentioned it now.”
She blew out a breath. “Great day, Mitch. He was at Kaden’s conference and helped me in class today. It’s nothing. I don’t know why you’re having such a fit about it.”
“I’m not having a fit.” He stepped back, his face pinched in annoyance.
“Who’s having a fit?” Lexie came up beside him, setting more plates alongside the ones he’d brought in.
“I’m not having a fit.” Mitch frowned at her.
“You should go. We’re going to have girl talk.” Lexie pushed him toward the door. “Go get Oliver from Drake while Syd takes David. Y’all need the practice.”
Still annoyed at Mitch, Chelsea turned back to doing the dishes.
“So. What’s up with you and Jagger?”
Chelsea groaned. “Not you too.”
“No, not me too.” Lexie sounded offended. “If Mitch is hassling you about it, it’s because he’s trying to protect you. Me? I think you deserve some fun and excitement, and Jagger seems like a guy who could give it to you.”
Chelsea laughed. She had no doubt Jagger could give her those things. Her hormones jumped in excitement at the thought. Her brain knew it wouldn’t happen. And even if it were a possibility, she knew it wouldn’t be wise. “There’s nothing up.”
“That’s a disappointment.”
Chelsea agreed. At least her hormones did. “He’s got his hands full caring for Kaden.”
“What if he didn’t?” Lexie picked up a pot Chelsea had cleaned and started to dry it.
“Didn’t what?” Chelsea scrubbed a pan.
“Didn’t have his hands full.”
Chelsea shrugged, not quite sure what Lexie was getting at.
“What if he walked in here right now with that sexy, sinful smile of his and offered to give you a good time?”
Chelsea snorted. “Like that would happen.”
“Why wouldn’t it?”