Chelsea looked up from her scrubbing. “You know why.”
“No, I don’t.” Lexie set the pot on the counter.
“Look at me.” Chelsea turned and held her hands out to the side. “I’m short and frumpy and I ate three pieces of pizza in front of him last night. Plus dessert.” Chelsea shook her head and turned back to her scrubbing.
“You’re not frump—Wait. What? Last night?”
Chelsea winced, knowing her friend would read more into her dinner with Jagger and Kaden than there was. “Kaden has a little crush on me so he asked me to go to pizza with him and Jagger.”
Chelsea tried to remain nonchalant as she set the pan on the counter, but she swore she could feel Lexie’s scrutinizing gaze boring into her.
“I bet you charmed him.”
“It’s not hard to charm five year olds.” Chelsea dove deep into the suds, wishing for more items to wash but apparently she was done.
“I don’t mean him, I mean Jagger.”
Chelsea bit her lip. “It was pizza, Lex.”
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“I’m pretty sure I did.”
“If he walked in here and offered you a good time, would you take him up on it?”
“It wouldn’t happen. Pigs would fly first and that would be a disappointment because it would mean less barbecue and bacon.”
Lexie rolled her eyes. “If.”
“If he offered me a good time, I’d say no. You know I’m not built like that.” She wasn’t a virgin. But, she wasn’t “good time” material. She’d never had a one-night stand or even a short-term affair. She’d only slept with the two men she’d been in a relationship with.
“What if he wanted to date you?”
“Who wants to date you?” Mitch appeared behind Lexie with another pan.
“No one.” Chelsea took the pan from him.
“Get out. This is girl talk.” Lexie pushed him toward the door.
“You’re not talking about Jagger, are you?” Mitch maneuvered out of Lexie’s reach.
“None of your beeswax. Now go.”
“You need to stay away from him.”
“Why?” Chelsea and Lexie asked in unison.
“It’s Jagger Talbot.” He rolled his eyes like the reason was obvious.
“Yeah. Sexy, rich—”
“And incapable of loving or committing to a woman.” Mitch interrupted Lexie.
“There was a time people thought that about you. In fact, you thought that about you.”
“She’s right.” Lexie nodded.
“Tell me you’re not involved with Jagger.”