Page 71 of Shattered Darkness

I chuckle. You can tell how often things go to plan just from her surprise.

“That’s great, but for those of us who weren’t there when you were discussing the plan, could you elaborate?” Asher asks, Cole tucked under his arm.

I honestly don’t think Erin, Cole or I will be letting them out of our sight, I know for a fact that they over thought as I did, and all of the horrible possibilities of what could happen went through their minds, so despite the fact that Asher, Jett, and Kai are okay, we’ve all still got the worst case scenarios going through our minds and need reassurance that they are really okay.

“Erin covered us while we made our way there so we didn’t catch the attention of any of the Enforcers,” Jax starts to explain, sitting close on Kai’s other side, “we then knocked them all out and secured them with the bands that Kysen had.”

“Any fatalities?” Levi asks.

Kysen shakes his head, “Nope.”

“Where did you put them?” Maverick asks, “Did you manage to find somewhere before Kai contacted us?”

I nod, “Yes, actually, the temple helped and opened a part of the wall that had a room behind it that was just big enough to store them. They should be fine for a couple of days.”

“After that, the cuffs will stop working, and they’ll get their magic back. I have no idea if they’ll be able to get out of the room that the temple had us put them in or whether the temple will even let them out,” Kysen adds.

“Which means we need to try and figure out how to break the object, and we’re on a time constraint now,” Harry points out.

“Pretty much,” I reply with a shrug.

“Not that I want the cuddles to end,” Hunter starts as he strokes Knot’s foxy ears, “but maybe it would be a good idea if Ghost and Knot went back to the temple to keep an eye on the object in case the Order send anyone else to get it and the teachers.”

Knot yips at him, giving him a glare that would scare most men, but then sighs heavily with a nod. She knows that it’s important that we keep an eye on the situation.

“With any luck, the Order will think that the group of teachers stole the object or something, and that will give us a little bit more time before the alarm gets raised,” Nate suggests.

“It’s possible,” Maverick agrees and then adds, “although I’m not going to get my hopes up.”

“Ghost and Knot, I don’t particularly want to be split up from you, but Mav is right. We need eyes in the temple; would you please go back and keep an eye on it for me?” I ask them both.

Ghost nods his huge head before he flies over to me and nudges my head with his own, asking for pats, which I happily give him. Knot nudges him out of the way, much to Ghost’s annoyance, and then takes his place putting her small paws on my shoulders as she buries her head in my neck, and I give her some love too. When she moves away from me, she switches back to her raven form, and I get up to open the window for them.

“I take it they agree?” Dash asks.

I nod, “Yeah, they’re going to head back and let me know in the same way that they did before.” I then turn back to Ghost and Knot as they perch on the window ledge, “Please be careful; don’t put yourselves in unnecessary danger. You are more important than the object or the Order or anything like that.”

They both nod, nudging me with their heads once again before taking off and blending into the night. Not even supernatural eyes will be able to see them. Shutting the window behind them I say a quick plea to the Goddess that they’ll both be safe because I can’t lose them.

“They’ll be okay, Beautiful. Come and sit back down,” Kai says, opening his arms for me again.

Once I’m sitting back down, Levi says, “Kai’s right, Darling. They’ll be fine, and they’ll let us know if they need us.”

I smile, “I know, I still don’t like it.”

“That’s understandable,” Erin reassures me.

“It would be really fucking helpful if Cain showed back up,” Jett says, seemingly out of the blue, “he could then plant the suggestion that they’ve stolen the object with the other teachers, and then we would have more time to sort it.”

“There must be a reason why he’s not back yet. He was supposed to come back yesterday, or at least that’s what he said,” I reply with a frown. We could really do with him coming back now; he needs to know what is going on here and now more than ever, we need his training.

“Is there any way you could talk to the Goddess and get her to send him back?” Cole asks.

I shrug, “I could try, but I’m not sure it will do much good. Nyx gets in contact with me when she wants.”

“Yeah, but this is quite important, so hopefully, she will reply,” Harry replies.

“Yeah, okay, give me a moment,” I reply.