Page 70 of Shattered Darkness

Knot and Ghost go around the room and give love to those that they think need it, and then Knot curls up on Cole, and Ghost perches on Kyle’s shoulder seeming to settle in for the long haul. They must be tired after helping me like they did. I know that at some point, the others, or at least Jax, are going to question me on why I didn’t use my magic. It is probably time that I told them about it anyway.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Why are they taking so long?” Levi questions as he paces with Kysen.

I’d point out how amusing it is since they’re perfectly in time with each other, but I don’t think now is the time. We need to make sure the guys are okay. They’re far more important right now.

“We’re here,” Kai says as he walks through the door along with the others.

Erin, Cole, and I race at our men, and thankfully, Kai sees it coming and holds me tightly. When it’s clear that I’m not going to let him go any time soon, he kisses my cheek and then carries me over to the couch, shifting me so that I’m sitting in his lap.

Once everyone is seated, Levi, who is studying them all closely, no doubt looking for injuries, “Are you all okay?”

“We’re fine,” Asher replies for them all, “they didn’t interrogate us in any way other than just asking us questions. It was incredibly long-winded though.”

“Which they most likely did to try and get you to trip up if you weren’t telling the truth,” Cole points out.

“He’s right; it's an old trick and one of the easiest and most effective. You keep the person that you’re interrogating for hours, sometimes days, and you ask them different variations of the same question until they slip up,” Hunter confirms.

We’ve been through so much that I sometimes completely forget that before all this supernatural stuff, they were agents and worked for the government. They must be finding this whole school thing a lot more difficult than I’d considered; they’ve already done it. Their past does help us in this situation because clearly, some of the methods used in the Earth Realm are being used here too.

“That’s what we figured,” Jett confirms, “fortunately, not only were we all familiar with the technique, but none of us were lying, so they let us go.”

“They’d clearly been fed some bad information, most likely from the teachers because they kept saying things like, we have witnesses that state that you entered the library at ten forty, which is around when the murder took place,” Asher adds with a frown and a shake of his head.

“They mentioned something about witnesses overhearing us say how much we don’t like him, and that there had been an argument,” Kai says, “all three of us asked when this was supposed to have happened as none of us shared a class with him, and until recently had no idea who he was.”

“It all fell apart pretty quickly after that, and each of us could tell that they didn’t even believe what they had been told, so they were questioning the accusation before they questioned us,” Jett adds.

“Well, at least it seems like it’s not something that we have to worry about too much,” Erin says, hope threading through her voice.

“No, but they did warn us that because the accusations have been made, and because of the gravity of them, they will be keeping a close watch on us and that we aren’t allowed to leave the castle,” Kai explains.

“Well, that will make trying to break the spells on the object that’s controlling the teachers much more complicated than it already is, and it’s already ridiculously complicated,” I mutter.

“Yeah, and it may mean that if we do manage to break the control, we might still have to stay here for possibly months longer until they clear us of any wrongdoing,” Nate points out.

“Fuck,” Several of us curse.

Levi brushes his hand over his beard, “Well, that’s something that we can deal with if it comes to it. Unfortunately, thanks to Kronos, we no longer have the powerful backup of Sage’s parents, which would’ve helped in this situation.”

“Not my parents,” I can’t help but mutter.

I’ve been successfully ignoring that whole issue, since I’m not emotionally ready to deal with it, and although I know he didn’t mean to, he's reminded me of the situation with my parents, or not parents.

A look of regret crosses his features as he says, “Shit, Sage, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think.”

“That’s okay,” I reply honestly, “you’re right. They would at least be able to vouch for us if they remembered who we were.”

“I still should’ve thought,” he replies.

“Sage said something about having to get back here,” Kai starts changing the subject, “what happened while we were gone?”

“Ghost let Sage know that there was a group of teachers that were in the temple and trying to move the green gemstone that’s controlling them,” Levi answers him and then looks back to me, “what happened?”

“For once, it went pretty much how we wanted it to,” I start.

“Well shit, it did, didn’t it?” Erin interrupts.