Suddenly, I remember Ashley, my ex-girlfriend, was planning to come over tonight. She may show up at any time. She can’t show up in the middle of this, things are already rocky between us as we have been trying to make things work between us. What is Ashley going to say when she finds out? If , I correct myself, If she finds out. Of course, she’s going to find out. She’s probably on her way over here right now.
When I finally force myself to look at her, Juliana is looking up at me, her eyes filled with guilt and worry. Why is she worried? I realize that I haven’t spoken in a while, but Juliana hasn’t spoken either. She needs to say something. What is going on?
“I am so sorry. He wouldn’t leave me alone...” She repeats herself, seeming flustered. I wave my hand gesturing for her to move past that and continue explaining, I know it might seem rude but I need an explanation. “I have no idea why I brought you into it. I am so sorry. I just saw you across the room and it was the first thing that popped into my head... I wasn’t thinking… I am so sorry…” She keeps saying sorry and it’s starting to hurt my head.
I grip my forehead in one hand and stand up, feeling the need to get up and move around. My head hurts and my legs feel restless. I start to pace the length of the kitchen, trying to work through what she’s telling me. I pause in front of her, looking down at her then I begin to pace again. I learned this pacing technique from my mentor in law school. He taught me how to use my pace to run through my thoughts. Each time I turned to pace in the other direction, I had to begin a new argument or new defense. Different strides helped me work through different scenarios. I still use the technique while I prepare for court, although I tend to stay away from pacing in the actual courtroom.
“We haven’t seen each other in a while. Why did you say my name? Why did you point to me in the crowd?” I question everything she’s said while I continue to pace. My speed picks up but right now this pacing technique is not helping.
I feel a bubble of laughter forming in my stomach. I want to laugh at this whole situation because it is ridiculous but the look on Juliana’s face tells me that laughing would not be an appropriate reaction right now.
“Kurt,” Juliana says softly. “I’m sorry. My friend saw you earlier in the night and pointed you out because she knew that I knew you. I was going to come say hello but then everything happened so quickly. I said I was engaged and Callum asked who and I just saw you and I don’t know, it all happened so fast.” Juliana is beginning to repeat herself.
Juliana’s worry and fear seem to make her even smaller than her 5’ 6” height, especially since she is hunched over at my kitchen table. I feel like a monster standing over her at 6’ 3”. I try to relax a little and let out a deep breath. I force myself to sit back down. I keep my hands in my lap and try to choose my words carefully.
“Juliana,” I start, calmly, “it’s okay. I understand.” She looks up at me surprised, her eyes widening.
“Wh..what? You do?” Her big blue eyes look up at me and they help me relax a little more. I nod and clear my throat.
“Yes, I understand. It was an impulsive decision but you did what you thought would be best.” She didn’t mean to cause any harm, she just needed a way to escape. I can understand that. “So, yes, for the most part, I understand why you did it.”
“Oh, thank you so much!” She throws her arms around me making my chair move backward a bit. She releases me and blushes. “Sorry… I was so worried you would think I was crazy or something…”
This makes me laugh. “I never said I didn’t think you were crazy.” She lets out a little embarrassed gasp and I chuckle again. My chuckle makes her smile, a small smile but still a smile.
No, her thinking was, for the most part, logical. Juliana assumed her ex would leave her alone if he found out she was with someone new. That might have worked but in her case, it seems that it only angered her ex. Which resulted in him coming after me and threatening me. So no, I don’t think she is crazy for saying it. She might be crazy for other reasons though but I’m not sure yet.
Suddenly, her face pales and she can’t seem to look at me anymore.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, suspicious.
After a few seconds of silence, I hear her take a deep breath and push all her words out in a rush. “My ex-boyfriend called my mother and told her that…that we are engaged. She called my best friend and she left me a voicemail and I have no idea who else she or Callum have told. I am so sorry, I really had no idea it would get this out of hand. Shit, my mother is going to ask around and she will probably tell my grandparents and they will talk to your parents. Honestly, my mom might even tell your parents. Geez, I am so sorry…” She finally stops and is breathing heavily at this point still unable to look at me as her eyes dart around the room.
As I am taking in all of this information, her eyes land on a photo of Ashley and myself. “Oh my gosh, you have a girlfriend? I didn’t even think. Oh gosh, are you going to get in trouble? I didn’t… Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I’m so sorry…” She trails off mumbling her apologies.
All of a sudden, I’m not too worried about Ashley finding out anymore. “Wait, my parents know??” I say harshly and then wince at how violent the question came out. My words are so harsh that Juliana jerks her head up to look at me. My face must not be as harsh as my words because her scared expression changes back to guilt.
“No, well I don’t know. I don’t think they know yet. I don’t think my mother would call them right now. It’s pretty late and she wouldn’t want to appear rude by waking them up.”
I nod and check my phone to see if I have any missed calls or texts from either my parents or my sister. Nothing but there is a new text from Ashley saying she will be over in ten minutes. That doesn’t give me a lot of time and I don’t want to be rude and kick Juliana out.
“My…Ashley will be here in ten minutes.” I tell her and she nods, biting her lip nervously. She knows I’m hinting that we need to wrap up this conversation and preferably get Juliana on her way back to her own apartment.
“I don’t know what to do…” She says quietly. Her soft words feel like she’s confiding in me. It’s almost like she’s coming to me for help, looking to me to save her like I did when she was younger and getting into trouble as a kid. I guess she is asking for help now, but she is the one who caused the problem in the first place. I sigh.
My protective side is fighting to take over. I need time to process all of this new information but seeing Juliana worried and unsure of how to proceed, I want to step up and help her. I don’t have time to process my emotions. Ashley will be here soon. I know I’m not doing anything wrong having Juliana at my apartment but I do not want to try to explain this to Ashley.
“Okay,” I say and she looks up at me confused. “Okay,” I repeat, “let’s do this.” Her head tilts in confusion and I am taken aback because it is one of the cutest expressions I’ve seen in a while. That’s not good. I cough to clear my throat and my thoughts.
“What? What do you mean?” Juliana looks across the table at me, her eyes widening. She grips her own hands in anticipation then winces when she squeezes her wounded hand.
“I’ll go along with this… this fiancé idea. Just until we are sure that your ex is going to leave you alone, for good.” I clarify and her eyes light up, and her mouth opens slightly a second before she speaks. I can tell she’s searching for the right thing to say.
“What? Really? Oh. What about Ashley? I can’t let you do this to her and your family…” Why is she so worried? It’s my life, I realize the consequences that might develop. I wave my hand, erasing her worry, and nod.
“I understand the consequences of this but you need help.” I can’t believe I am agreeing to this. “We will have to put on a show for our families and friends but if it helps you get rid of this ex. Then, I’m in.” She grins when I stop talking and again throws her arms around me and this time I don’t stumble but I catch her and laugh.
“Oh! Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me! Gosh, this is going to mess up your life. Are you sure you’re okay with this? I don’t want to get you in trouble with your family or girlfriend.” Again she looks worried and guilty.