“Juliana, it’s fine. You don’t have to worry about Ashley. Well, right now we might but for this plan, don’t worry.” I reassure her that I’m okay and she gives me another hug before backing away quickly, the worried look returning to her face. And it takes me a second to realize why but then I hear it too. My apartment door is being unlocked. Shit.
“Kurt?” Juliana looks up at me then her eyes dart over to the door. She freezes where she is, gripping her injured hand to her chest. She said her hand was fine but she is favoring that hand a lot. Hopefully, I was able to bandage her cut properly.
“It’s okay…” I say in response to her question and to address the door opening. I don’t need Juliana starting to panic again. I also want to set some ground rules and explain why I agreed but I stop talking when Ashley enters the apartment and tosses her keys on the table before turning to face into the apartment. Her eyes narrow when she sees Juliana standing a little too close to me.
“Who the hell is she?”
Chapter 7
Ashley is beautiful, which is even more intimidating. Especially since she is currently glaring at me and Kurt. Looking back and forth between us. I gulp nervously and suddenly I realize how close we are standing. I take a step away from Kurt. He rubs his hand over his head again and looks at the floor as if searching for answers.
Kurt said I didn’t have to worry about Ashley but right now I am definitely worried. Since Kurt hasn’t spoken up, I realize it’s on me to say something. Kurt must still be processing everything I said and it has become even more complicated with Ashley showing up in the middle of our conversation. I got him into this mess, I should be the one to speak but as I step forward to respond to her, Kurt holds his hand up stopping me.
“This is Juliana. Juliana,” he gestures, “Ashley.” I put on my most polite smile and walk towards her sticking my hand out when I reach her. “Juliana is a family friend, we ran into each other this evening.”
“Hi, it is so nice to meet you,” I say and my smile grows real as she looks at me, confused but she shakes my hand politely. “I was just on my way out. I had a little accident at the club and Kurt was kind enough to help.” I smile at her and then turn to Kurt. “Well… thank you. For helping me.” I stammer kind of awkwardly and he nods.
“I can drive you home. Do you mind waiting by the elevator so I can talk to Ashley really quickly?”
“Okay, thank you.” I thank him remembering that I walked with Tatyana to the club and would need a way to get home from Kurt’s house. It’s late so I don’t entirely feel comfortable walking back to my apartment nor do I feel too comfortable getting into a random Uber. I leave the apartment giving him a moment to talk to Ashley. I head to the elevator and a few seconds later he appears next to me.
“What did you tell her?” He gives me a pained look and I sigh. “I’m sorry. We will think of something. I really didn’t mean to ruin your relationship,” I say as we step into the elevator. He pushes the button for the lobby and shrugs. After a couple of seconds of silence, except for the whirring of the elevator, he speaks.
“We aren’t exactly together at the moment.” I stay quiet and he continues. “We are trying…but it hasn’t been working out.” I nod, understanding.
“Well, I’m still sorry for adding…all of this to your life.” I gesture vaguely to the air around us and he sighs.
“It’s all right. I’ve never liked bullies anyway.” I smile, bully is a good choice of word for what Callum is. The elevator doors slide open again and we walk out into the lobby. I follow him to his car and he unlocks the door and opens mine for me.
“Thank you,” I mumble, not used to having the door opened for me. He nods and goes to the passenger side. I tell him the address of my building and then we sit in silence for a few minutes. I try to relax but once the quiet takes over, all I can do is think about how terribly I screwed up and after struggling to keep my mouth shut for a few minutes, I finally can’t hold back anymore.
“I know I keep apologizing but I really am sorry. I didn't even think when I said that to Callum. Well, I mean I kind of did but I did not know he was going to act on it and I am so sorry that it caused a fight.” I am about to continue rambling but I hear him chuckle and I scowl at him. “This is not funny!”
He just turns and grins at me. I can’t help but start to pout which in turn makes him laugh at me even more.
“Hey! Don’t pout at me.” He chuckles turning onto the street of my apartment, our short ride almost over. I continue pouting and turn to face the window. Suddenly, I feel something poking my arm and I growl slightly which makes him laugh again.
“Stop laughing at me!” I huff then turn to face him. “I’m trying to apologize for the mess I’ve gotten you into. My mother knows what I’ve said and she will not hesitate to tell everyone. She is probably so happy her disappointing little daughter has found an appropriate man.”
His face turns somber and he stares out across the road. I sit quietly, as he pulls into the parking lot and parks in front of the door to my building. We both sit in silence and I am about to reach for the door handle when he says something quietly.
“Your mom does not think you are a disappointment.” I roll my eyes automatically and scoff.
“Not a disappointment,” I correct, “disappointing. And you would be the perfect son-in-law for her.” I wait a second before speaking again. “In all honesty, maybe that’s part of why I said it. That you were my fiancé. Specifically, you. Because well, I know you and everyone loves you and you’re a good respectable man… Maybe I was trying to…” I pause for a second, trying to find the right words. “…to make her proud? Get her off my back? Her and everyone else. I don’t know. But I am sorry…I’ll get this cleared up, you don’t have to worry about it. Well, I guess I should get out of your car now. Goodnight Kurt.” I sigh and open the door of his car, getting out and walking to my building.
“I told you that I would go through with it. And I will.” I turn around, shocked when I see him about a foot away from me. I tilt my head at him, confused. “Yes, I am a man of my word and it would not be okay of me to let your ex torture you like this. So, yes, I will be your fake fiancé.”
I smile and roll my eyes laughing, my spirits suddenly feeling much higher. “Well…uhm… thank you. I really appreciate this.” He holds open the apartment doors for me and gestures for me to go inside. As I walk inside, he follows me and raises his eyebrows at me when I look at him again confused.
“Yes, I am walking you to your door.” He teases. “Wow, your ex must have been a real gentleman.” I laugh and nod.
“Oh yes, such a sweetheart. Held doors open for me and carried my school books.” I laugh and he laughs along with me as we walk up the stairs of my building. I’m kind of embarrassed because it is nowhere near as nice as his apartment is.
We walk down the hallway talking quietly, as it’s late and I know loud noises from the hall can be heard in each apartment. When we reach my apartment, I stop when I notice that the door is unlocked and partially open. I know Tatyana isn’t coming home tonight and I begin to get nervous. The door shouldn’t be unlocked, much less opened. Kurt notices my reaction to the door being opened and he steps in front of me telling me to stay behind him as we enter the apartment.
Chapter 8