“Jesus, why do you always have to be so stubborn?” Eva snaps, her hands falling to her side as she steps around to the front of my desk.
“Is there something else? I have a lot of work to get back to,” I huff, my irritation starting to reveal itself.
“Vincent,” Eva says softly as she watches me, “maybe you should be careful. You don’t have much family left in this world.”
I look up at her, eyebrows raised. Her eyes convey concern, so I do my best to steady my anger in response to her statement. She wasn’t wrong. In one night, I lost both my father and the woman who I believed to be my mother. Months later, my sister married the underboss of a rival Mafia family. Besides a half-brother I don’t really know, I’m utterly alone in this world. That makes it an easy mark for someone within our organization to make a move. “Is there something else you need?”
She purses her lips and peers at me hopefully. “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll make us something to eat.”
Despite the weight of everything on my mind, the earnest warmth in Eva’s expression pulls me to my feet, her reassurance cutting through my reluctance.
“Alright, fine,” I agree, pushing back from the desk and standing. “A bite would be nice.”
I follow her into the kitchen, inquiring about how it’s going with Amelia’s belongings. She explained that while she was almost done with the task, she was also disappointed that I was so adamant about not allowing Amelia in to take care of things herself.
From their perspective, it must seem like I’m simply being petty about my sister’s nuptials with Alexei Ivanov, but I’m doing this for her own good too. If I am seen as too friendly with her now that she has chosen to marry into the Ivanov family, it could make her a target.
Taking a bite of the salami and ham sandwich Eva made and placed in front of me, I chew and smile before looking up at her and stating, “Thank you, Eva. I didn’t realize how much I needed this.”
“Sometimes, we all need a moment to breathe,” she replies, her voice gentle yet firm.
I chuckle. “Quit reading into things. I was just talking about the food.” Despite my deflection, her words resonate, reminding me that even as head of the family, I’m still allowed moments of vulnerability and rest.
“If you say so,” she chimes playfully.
I open my mouth to tease her in response, but before I can say anything, Marco comes running in from the security room, out of breath. “Vin-Vin—” he shouts through gasps. “You got company,” he says at last.
I furrow my brow. “What do you mean?”
Marco catches his breath before responding, “Two men just arrived, asking to speak with you.”
“What men?” I demand, growing impatient with his vagueness.
“A couple of Russians,” Marco continues. “They claim to be from the Ivanov family.”
My heart skips a beat at the mention of the Ivanov family. “Did they say why they’re here?”
Marco shakes his head. “No, just that they’re on official business and have a message for you.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” I grunt, tossing my sandwich onto the plate before me. Marco shrugs in response. I glance up at Eva. After what Isabella put her through, the last thing I want to do is get her tied up in some sort of family matter again. “You should probably go,” I tell her.
She looks at me, concern etched on her face. “Are you sure they’re not here for a valid reason?”
I shake my head, ignoring her assertion. “Marco, can you show Ms. Martinez out?”
She scoffs in response to how I formally address her and pulls her arm away when Marco reaches for it. “Don’t you dare, Marco,” she says, glaring at my cousin.
I nod at him, and he steps to the side.
Eva focuses her gaze on me. “I’m a big girl. I can handle myself just fine, thank you. I told Amelia I would pack up another load from her room today, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.” She turns and exits the room swiftly.
“You want me to get her, boss?” Marco asks. Hearing Marco refer to me in such a way still feels foreign.
I shake my head and stand, pushing the plate away from me. “You heard her. She doesn’t want to leave.”
I follow Marco back to the security room, watching him open the door. The two tall and muscular men stand at the reception desk, with dark suits hugging their frames. I try to remember if I saw them at Amelia’s wedding, but the entire event was a blur.
“What do you want to do?” Marco inquires, his eyes fixed on me.