I clear my throat. “Thoroughly check them for any weapons, and if they are clean, show them up to my study.”
My study. That felt just as awkward as Marco referring to me as boss.
I stare at the screens as Marco rides down the elevator and frisks the two Russians before escorting them into the elevator. I go to my study and take a deep breath to compose myself. My mind races with possible reasons for their visit. Amelia is at the forefront. Is she okay?
When they enter my study, Marco shows them to the seats in front of my desk. I offer a greeting but do not stand as I do not wish them to view themselves as welcome in my home.
“Vincent King, I presume?” the taller of the two asks, his accent thick.
I nod in response. “That’s right. And you are?”
“My name is Dimitri,” he responds, gesturing toward the shorter man beside him. “This is my brother, Yuri.”
“I’m sorry if this may come across as not being very hospitable, but can the two of you please tell me what the fuck brings you here?” I ask, hoping to cut to the chase.
Dimitri clears his throat. “Alexei Ivanov has sent us to deliver you an invitation.”
My heart sinks at the mention of Alexei’s name. I had hoped his family wouldn’t interfere in our affairs, but my hopes were in vain. I would never want to hurt Amelia, but I also will not tolerate her husband meddling in our affairs.
“What invitation?” I ask, my tone low and dangerous as I lean forward in my seat.
Dimitri glances at Yuri before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a square envelope. He places it on the desk and slides it toward me. “Alexei sends his regards and requests that you attend a dinner tomorrow night at his estate. He also wishes to discuss a possible partnership between our two families.”
I narrow my eyes at the envelope, hesitating to touch it. “And if I refuse?”
Dimitri shrugs. “That would be your choice, I suppose.”
“Last I checked, Alexei isn’t your family’s head yet. How would your boss feel about his son reaching out to me?” I pose the questions, hoping to create some unrest in the ranks.
“We are acting on behalf of Alexei and our family,” Dimitri responds coolly, not appearing to be ruffled by my questioning. “Our boss is not only aware of our visit but has sanctioned it.”
I sit back in my chair and contemplate my options. Attending the dinner could be a trap, but refusing the invitation could also lead to retaliation. It’s a delicate balance I must weigh carefully. It’s bad enough I have to worry about unrest within my own family, but it looks like the Ivanovs will still be as much of a problem as I feared.
“I’ll consider the invitation,” I say finally. “But I make no promises.”
Dimitri nods, standing. “Thank you for your time, Mr. King.”
As they exit the study, I can’t help the sense of unease settling in my gut. I follow the men to the elevator before handing them off to Marco to escort them from the building.
As soon as the elevator doors close, I turn, jumping slightly when I find Eva standing directly in my path with her arms crossed.
“What did they want?” she asks.
“That’s really not any of your concern,” I answer firmly as I step around her, striding toward the study.
She follows me, her footsteps echoing in the hallway. “Vincent, I may not be involved in your business, but I care about you and your sister. If something is wrong, maybe I can help.”
I stop in my tracks and turn to face her, my eyes cold and hard. “And this is exactly why I don’t want you involved in my life, Eva. You may have grown up around our family, but Amelia and I both grew up in the middle of this world. We know exactly what we’re getting ourselves into with all this.”
“That’s not fair. All I want to do is help you.”
I shake my head, sure that Eva’s relationship with my sister makes her a liability. “I don’t need your help, okay? Please trust that it’s for your own good.”
She scoffs. “How often do I tell you I can take care of myself? I’m not some damsel in distress.”
I narrow my eyes at her, my patience wearing thin. “That’s not the point, Eva. This isn’t some game. I can’t afford to have anyone else involved, especially not someone like you.”
“What do you mean, someone like me?” she asks, her eyes flashing with indignation.