The first three landed fast and hard, one on each ass cheek and one in the center. She fisted her hands under her head as she rolled her lips over her teeth to keep her screams inside. A whining whimpering sound escaped instead.
The next three landed right on top of the first set, adding heat to the already burning skin. Irish had to squeeze her fists tighter as the tears began to run fast. Turning her head, she pressed her forehead into the blanket that smelled like a horse and used her hands to cover her mouth to try and keep her cries inside.
Harrigan continued spanking her, moving his aim so by the time he reached twenty, her entire ass was burning and throbbing with pain. She lay limply, unable to move even if she had wanted to.
Harrigan patted her lower back. “How are you doing, scamp? Do you need to call your safe word?”
“No, Daidi. Please finish.” Irish managed to get the words out despite crying hard enough her entire body was shaking.
“All right. Five strokes and then you’ll go and apologize.”
Harrigan did not wait for her to speak, instead using the paddle to focus on the bottom half of her ass and her sit spots.
The pain of the first smack had her screaming long and loud. The rest were given before she could draw a breath and scream again. Once he finished, she did not have the strength to move, so she laid right where she was and cried.
“What the hell is going on?” A deep voice growled from the front of the barn.
Turning her head, she saw Sailor standing there, feet planted wide, his arms held out as if he were ready to fight.
“Go away,” Harrigan said harshly as he pulled her panties up her legs.
“What the fuck did you do to her?” Sailor demanded as he charged forward. “You promised me you were going to take care of her, not beat on her!”
By this time Harrigan had pulled her pants up. It was as if he did not want Sailor to see her ass. Which was all right with him. She would rather no one saw her hot, red bottom even though the material hurt as it pressed against her flesh.
“I am not beating on her. I am spanking her. And since we are dealing with issues that have nothing to do with you, you need to go away. Now.”
A hand touched her face, brushing hair away. “Irish, is that what you want? For me to leave you alone with this beast?”
Irish forced her eyes to open and stared at the man who had taken care of her for the weeks before she had come to Bratburg. “I deserved this spanking. Please, Sailor, you need to leave so I can finish my punishment.”
He looked angry, and she flinched when he gave a low-throated growl. “All right, I’ll leave, but if he doesn’t treat you right, he’s going to have to answer to me.”
Once he stormed away, she turned her attention to calming herself so she could complete the punishment and earn Master Sullivan’s forgiveness.
Pushing to her feet, she pulled her pants up the rest of the way and closed them, sucking a breath as the material settled against her body. The heavy, slightly scratchy material reminded her of her punishment every time she moved.
Looking around, she did not see Master Sullivan and deduced he had returned to his office once her spanking was finished. Harrigan smiled at her when she looked his way. “As grumpy as he is, he doesn’t like seeing Little girls spanked. He left about halfway through.”
Irish nodded and headed to the office. Stepping inside, she found the barn manager standing across the room, looking out the window.
“Master Sullivan, I’m sorry I left yesterday before I was finished for the day. And I’m sorry I went into the woods with Talia and Poppy without checking with you first. Forgive me, please?”
Biting her bottom lip, she waited for his response.
It was nearly a minute before he turned and studied her. He then crossed the room and pulled her in for a hug. “All is forgiven, little one. Now, you need to go see the animals because they think you don’t like them anymore. The aisle can wait until tomorrow to be swept.”