Page 32 of Lion's Little Scamp

“Then you’ll just have to spank her until she does,” Sullivan stated flatly. “Come on, let’s get this over with so she can get back to work. I am hoping she finishes in time to give the goats a little extra affection. They missed playing with her yesterday.”

Harrigan chuckled as he moved back out into the main part of the barn. Of course, his mate would have an affinity for the gentle little goats they raised. She had tamed him easy enough, she probably had an affinity for all animals. Maybe he would see if she would like to help with the animals once she graduated from Bratburg.

It might keep her out of trouble after he went back on duty with the security team. He would just have to convince Kodiak to move him to day shift so he would not have to leave her alone at night.

Sullivan followed him as he made his way through the barn. The wheelbarrow sat in the aisle outside the last stall. Looking inside, he saw she was nearly finished with this assigned task and decided not to call her away from it just yet. Instead, he and Sullivan went up into the hayloft and began rearranging haybales, dropping several through the hole to the main floor to keep Irish from wrestling with them.

By the time they finished and returned to the main floor and organized the bales, she had finished cleaning the stalls and was putting away her tools. He took a moment while Sullivan checked the stalls to lay a blanket over the stacked bales.

Sullivan returned from his inspection and said, “Good job, girl. I may keep you for the rest of your training instead of trying to train someone new.”

He watched as Irish blushed under the praise. “Thank you, sir,” she whispered shyly as she glanced at him.

“You know why I’m here.” He made it a statement, not a question.

“Yes, Daidi.”

“Why am I here, scamp?”

Irish swallowed hard and then took a deep breath. “You’re here to punish me in front of Master Sullivan for being naughty yesterday. For leaving my job and not telling Master Sullivan where I was going.”

“Yes, I am. And we have discussed it and decided that you need a spanking and then to apologize to Master Sullivan.”

Tears were already filling her eyes as she nodded without saying a word.

“Once I spank you and you apologize, this naughtiness will be finished and forgotten. Which means you will have to forgive yourself as well. Understand?”

“Yes, Daidi,” she answered softly.

“Good girl. Now, I want you to pull your pants and panties down to your knees and then lay over those haybales,” Harrigan said, pointing to the bales he had just finished covering with a blanket.

Chapter Nineteen

Irish looked from Harrigan to Sullivan and back again. Neither man looked happy, but neither man looked angry either. Just solemn and determined to clear her of her naughtiness.

Taking a deep breath, she moved toward the blanket-covered haybales. Without looking at either man, she opened her pants and pushed them and her panties to her knees. Then, with tears already blinding her, she bent forward and rested her body on the large blocks of hay.

“Hands under your head and don’t move them from there,” Harrigan said. She felt the air move over her bare ass and thighs as he moved into position beside her.

“What’s your safe word, scamp?”

“Melon, Daidi.”

“And why are you getting this spanking, here, in the barn?”

“Because I left my work detail early without clearing it with Master Sullivan and went off with Talia and Poppy,” she said softly.

“Your punishment is twenty spanks with my hand and five with the wooden paddle Master Sullivan has in his office.”

“Yes, Daidi.”

“Once your spanking is finished, you will apologize to Master Sullivan, and then come back to me for snuggles.”

“Yes, Daidi,” she repeated, beginning to feel like a broken record.

“Oh, and scamp, you might not want to scream too loudly unless you want everyone to come and witness your spanking.”

Irish nodded her understanding instead of speaking. It was already getting too hard to put words together and he had not even begun to spank her. She knew she would be a mess by the end.