Ok. She noticed. "Um, yes, it's fine." I lie. Because it's way more than fine.

Emma giggles like it's no big deal, then continues. "So, picture this," her voice is lace with excitement. "A community-driven shelter that not only provides a safe haven for animals but also becomes a focal point for everyone in Cedar Creek."

"Uh-huh…" I have no idea what she just said because when she got excited, she started pushing harder, and I think I left my body.

"Well, first things first, we need to get the town involved to get it funded and off the ground," she suggests, leaning forward.

"I'm thinking a series of events: a silent auction, a concert and maybe a raffle. We can reach out to local businesses and artists to donate items or services. You know, make it a collaborative effort."

"Uh-huh…" I really tried to listen that time, but once her body pressed into my back it was game over. I'd like to see you focus through that.

Emma's so determined in whatever it is she's saying, she hasn't seemed to detect I've zoned out.

"I have some connections in Memphis and my friends could help too. Mia could donate items from her bakery and Zoe has real estate associates. I'll talk to them tonight and see if they're on board."

She moves from my neck to my head. Yikes, that is not going to help me concentrate. Emma runs her fingers through my hair, starting at my forehead and raking them all the way to the nape of my neck.

I don't know who taught her what constitutes a friendly massage, but this isn't it, not that I'm complaining.

"That's great," I mumble.

"Really? Which part?" she asks excitedly, oblivious to my current state of mush.

I hear my voice come out in a breathy rasp. "All of it."

She spins my chair around. I closed my eyes at some point, so I open them now that I know I'm facing her again. Her beautiful smiles shows me she's pleased with the conversation. I'm pleased too, believe me.

Emma looks deep in thought for a moment before continuing. "I would love to be part of something meaningful, Sterling. If you're serious about this shelter, count me in. I'm even willing to stay for the summer to help kickstart the project."

Ok. The fog is lifting now that she stopped massaging. She wants to raise money for a shelter. Refocus.

"That's a generous offer," I say, appreciating her commitment. "But are you sure? You have your life in the city."

She shrugs. "I could use a change of scenery. Plus, I don't have to be back to work until the new school year starts, so I have some time. It's not like I'm eager to get back to face Dean, anyway. This would be good for me, too."

I'm moved by her dedication and her massage in equal parts. "Thank you, Emma. Your involvement will make a huge difference."

She reaches out her hand. “Partners?”

"Partners." I try to inject some playfulness into the moment and wildly shake her hand up and down. True to Emma's style, she loses her balance, a scene that seems to play out about once a week. But I don't really mind; after all, it means she ends up in my lap.

I am not prepared to smell the vanilla scent on her skin or feel her hair brush gently across my face.

Emma throws her head back in laughter, and I can't help but chuckle along. When she brings her head back to face me, our eyes lock. There's a spark between us, undeniable and electric. I grip the sides of my chair tightly, my knuckles turning white as I fight the urge to seize this moment.

Every fiber in my being screams to lean in and kiss her, to finally know what it feels like to capture her lips with mine. Straightjacket. I need one now. There's only so much willpower a man can have.

But it's Emma that makes the first move. Her eyes take on a mischievous glint that sends my heart into overdrive. "Did you enjoy your thank you massage?"

That must be a rhetorical question.

My eyes close again thinking about her hands running through my hair just moments ago, trying to relive the feeling. "It was, uh, yea, it was great. Thank you."

I feel Emma's cheek press against mine as she whispers in my ear, sending a cascade of shivers down my spine. "I have one last thing to do and then we'll call it even, sound good?"

I swallow the softball size lump in my throat. "Uh-huh." My vocabulary has really taken a hit in the last ten minutes.

I can't force my eyes to open. If this is a dream, I want to stay here as long as I can, relishing in the sensation of her presence, soaking it all in.