So I'm unprepared for the sweetness of her lips that are now pressing gently against mine. They're so soft in their touch, I question if they're even there. My eyes snap open, needing to confirm the reality of the moment.
And then I see it. Emma's face is so close to mine, it must be her lips. It's real. I can't believe something so tender can create such a turbulent wave inside my body.
She parts her lips to deepen the kiss just slightly and I can't help but slide my hands to waist, tugging her closer, needing her closer. Emma gasps into my mouth and I can no longer hold back. I want to hear that sound again.
I want… more of her.
I lift her off my lap and carry her toward my office couch. I want to lay her down and explore every inch of her mouth with mine. But when her back hits the leather, she bolts upright, slamming into my nose.
"Ugh." The pain radiates through my head, forcing me to the floor.
"Oh my gosh, Sterling. I'm so sorry!" Emma immediately kneels beside me. "Is it bleeding?"
I remove my hands from my nose. "No, I don't think so. I just need a minute."
The minute isn't for the pain; it's to send an all-points bulletin to my body to shift back to neutral. Maybe that was a sign we shouldn't be crossing the line.
"This is all my fault. It was just supposed to be a friendly, little thank you kiss." Emma looks at me with soft eyes.
"It's ok. It was definitely moving past 'friendly,' though." I laugh. "But, it will still officially be my favorite thank you of all times, even with the nose thing." I wink at her.
Her cheeks blush instantly as she looks down at the floor. She's precious.
"I think we can call it even now." I stand and reach for Emma's hands to pull her up. "Let's just forget about it, no harm done." I wiggle my nose to show her it's not broken.
But let's be honest. There was collateral damage. I will never be able to look at those puffy red lips the same way again. I'm ruined. And I will never, ever, forget that kiss.
Emma takes my hands. We're standing face to face, and I haven't let go. "Let's meet back here on Monday and go over more details of the project." I don't add 'because I missed most of what you said during my massage.'
She squeezes my hands and smiles. "Sounds great. This is going to be amazing. You and I will be the perfect team."
Oh, yes, I agree.
There's a moment of awkward silence, like we can't decide how to say goodbye now that we've kissed. I do my best to keep it friendly and wrap my arms around her in a hug. I hold my breath to make sure I don't inhale the scent of her skin because mission 'stay friendly' will be aborted immediately.
Emma pulls away first, but as she says 'goodbye,' she looks at my lips briefly. Oh, no. Please don't do that. Peter, think of Peter. This is Peter's sister, and he will do way worse to my nose if he finds out I'm kissing her.
I put a hand on her back and lead her to the door. I've got to get her out of here as much as it pains me to do it.
"I'll see you next week."
"You got it," I don't miss the way her eyes sparkle when she says it. I'm not sure exactly what has gotten into her today, but I like it.
Working with Emma on this project is great way to spend more time together and do something for the town. But if she's going to continue looking at me like that, I'm going to need an 'Emma resistance kit', complete with a fire extinguisher, panic button and maybe some duct tape for my lips.
Chapter nine
Mia's bakery, Dough Dreams, smells like absolute heaven. It's a small, quaint place, and the sweet aroma of fresh bread and delicious desserts surrounds me. I'm sitting on a plush chair in a corner booth. A tiny round table sits in front of me. The seats are red, and the walls are painted burgundy. There's a chalkboard on the wall listing all the treats available for sale, and a colorful mosaic art piece hanging over the counter.
The whole place is cozy and inviting, and if it wasn't after closing, I'm sure it would be packed. Mia is an incredible baker, and her cakes, pastries, and cookies are delicious. She's always experimenting with different flavors, and her latest concoctions are scrumptious.
It’s probably a good thing I don’t live here anymore. Otherwise, I’d gain about fifty pounds a week from her treats.
I asked the girls for an extra get together here to talk about the new idea Sterling and I are working on. I'm enjoying a cup of coffee while we wait for Zoe, and Mia is in the back putting together a batch of lemon cupcakes.
"This place is adorable," I yell over to her, admiring the space.