Page 58 of Gabriel's Salvation

“Bella said...” I mimic. “Fuck Isabella. Fuck her opinions and fuck you!”

“Don't be like that! I was just saying…”

“Well fuck, don’t! What I do or don't do has nothing to do with you or your perfect little Princess Isabella, so keep my fucking name out of both of your mouths.” I growl as I feel the rage building up, and without thinking, swing my fist, connecting with a concrete wall. “Fuck!” I yell as I feel the pain in my hand radiate all the way up my arm.

“For fuck's sake, Gabe,” Nate huffs as he grabs my wrist and pulls me back into the bathroom to wrap my now bleeding hand in a towel.

“This is exactly what you need to fix before you can get into a relationship,” Nate says pointedly while letting out a deep breath. “I don't think it's broken,” he finally declares with a sigh as he releases my hand.

“Look, me and a few of the guys are meeting for a poker night. Why don't you join us?” Nate offers.


“Come on, at least consider it,” Nate coaxes.

“What’s the point? They don't want me there anyway. I don't even fucking know them,” I growl at him, even though part of me is a little intrigued.

“You already know Tucker, he will be there. And Davis is also joining us, I think. Also, my friend Danny - you've probably seen him a few times, too,” Nate explains.

“Where's it at?” I grumble, half considering it. After all, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Plus, I bet none of these chumps have a clue how to play properly, so I could make some money if nothing else.

“That pub just down the road. Davis said a lot of the guys here go to it.”

“Saints? On the corner?” I ask. If I was a dog my ears would be sticking up right now.

“Yeah, that's it, I think.”

“Fine, I'll come,” I reply, feigning indifference. Free alcohol, check. Easy money, check. My local bar where I can probably score drugs and sex on tap, double check.

“Really?” Nate asks, sounding surprised.

“Don't make me change my mind.”


Walking away from Gabe was one of the hardest things I've done. My whole body is screaming at me to turn around and kiss him, put the whole Kelly thing behind us and move on. But my head won’t let me. He hurt me. I allowed myself to be vulnerable with him, gave him something special and he betrayed me.

“There you are,” Harper says as she appears in front of me. “What happened?” she asks, sounding concerned.

“I'm fine.” I lie.

“Tell that to your eyes.”

I reach up and feel the wetness on my cheeks; I hadn't even realized I'd started to cry. Rubbing away my tears with the sleeve of my jacket, I try to compose myself. Hating the idea of anyone, even my best friends, seeing me so vulnerable.

“Can you tell?” I ask, looking at her and wiping my eyes again, and praying I don't look like a goddamn panda.

“A little,” Harper answers softly. “Here,” she says as she rubs her thumb under my eyes, removing the mascara I've clearly missed.

We walk out to the car where both Izzy and Ava are waiting. As soon as Ava sees my face she knows something's up.

“Whose ass do I gotta kick?” Ava demands.

When I don't answer she repeats the question, “Someone made you cry, so whose ass do I gotta kick?”

“Erm, no one, I'm fine, it's just…” I begin.

“It's just that her clumsy ass wasn't looking where she was going and she hit her head on some scaffolding.” Harper quickly jumps in.