Page 57 of Gabriel's Salvation

“You need to unblock me, Riley, we need to move past this shit. This is too much! I want you and you want me. There’s nothing else that needs to be discussed!” Gabe says in a voice that seems like he’s trying to maintain control of the situation, but isn’t capable of.

“I’m not one of the guys who you can boss around, Gabe. This isn’t a situation where you can just say something and that’s what happens. I don’t trust you. You hurt me and I don’t think I can ever forgive you!” As soon as the words leave my mouth and I see the pain flash across his face, I feel my heart splinter a little bit more. But then I see him steel himself once again and I know that he still doesn’t understand, truly understand the hurt he has caused me.

“Forgive me and let's be goddamn friends or some shit. At least for now?” Gabe begs, cocking his brow. Part of me feels a weird satisfaction seeing that he’s obviously just as sad as I am, but the other part of me keeps imagining him fucking that whore in the bathroom.

“No, Gabe,” I say, trying but failing for it to sound like I'm in charge.

“Come on, I know you want me,” Gabe purrs as he bends down and kisses my neck.

“I don’t,” I say but my voice holds no conviction, it's barely louder than a whisper.

“And I guess this doesn't make your panties wet for me either?” he smirks as he places his hand around my throat, the way he knows I like, and runs his hand down my body until it reaches the waistband of my jeans.

My knees feel weak and again I almost give in, “NO!” I say pushing him as hard as I can. He steps away, giving me enough space to move. But as I go to walk away he grabs my arm.

“Get off me Gabe, I'm serious!” I shout.

“Wait…” he begins but I cut him off.

“I said get off me!” I snap and my voice quivers as I try but fail to hold in all the emotions.

“You heard her,” comes a male voice, seconds before I notice Nate appearing in the doorway.

“What the fuck does it have to do with you?” Gabe snaps at his brother.

“She's my friend, now let go of her,” Nate says standing his ground.

“And I'm your fucking brother,” Gabe snaps back, as he glares at his brother.

“Which is why I'm giving you one more chance to let her go, Gabe.”

Gabe looks down at his hand that's still gripping my arm and instantly releases it. “I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to hurt you, I just wanted to stop you. Just wanted you to hear me out, '' Gabe mumbles and I can hear the sincerity and uncertainty in his voice.

“I know,” I admit with a sad smile before walking out the door.

Chapter Twenty


Iwatch her walk away, and with each step she takes it feels like the weight on my cold dead heart gets heavier.

“You gotta let her go man,” Nate tells me as he attempts to pat my shoulder, but I twist my body away to avert his touch.

“I don't know how,” I admit. Shit, did I say that out loud?

“You gotta try,” Nate replies.

“Whose fucking side are you on?” I snarl, barging past him.

“I'm not on anyone's side,” I hear Nate state as he follows me. “You really fucked up, though.”

“And you don't think I fucking know that?” I spin around to face him, frustrated with myself, the situation, and at Nate.

“You really hurt her Gabe,” Nate continues, now using that stupid, pathetic, soft, condescending, goddamn tone of his. I hate when he talks to me like I'm some stupid kid who spilled a drink and now needs to be scolded.

“How would you fucking know? Have you been talking about me behind my fucking back?”

“No, of course not, but we are friends, plus Bella said…”