Page 124 of Gabriel's Salvation

“Yup, I heard it with my own two ears,” Izzy confirms.

“I fucking knew it! He basically said he loves me, right? I'm not losing my mind, please tell me I'm not losing my mind.”

“Nope, you're not losing your mind Rilez, he basically said he loves you, although…” Although? I don't like the sound of that.

“I don't think HE registered that he said it himself.”

“Oh,” I say as I turn away, feeling kind of stupid. Of course he didn't mean it. It was obviously just a stupid slip of the tongue, like when you call a teacher mom by mistake.

“No Riley, I didn't mean it like that,” Izzy says as she reaches out to grab my shoulder. “I'm not saying he doesn't love you, I truly believe he does. Gabe isn't the kind of guy to throw around that word to anyone. Heck, I've only heard him say it to Nate once or twice and even then it was more of a love ya bro, than a proper I love you kind of thing. What I meant was, I don't think Gabe even realized what he said, like his subconscious mind said it without his brain stopping him.”

“Oh,” I reply this time much happier; hell I feel almost giddy myself.

“We best head back,” I say when I realize the boys are probably wondering where we got to.

We make our way back and find Nate and Gabe standing at the entrance, tickets in hand waiting. “Must have been a big shit Princess,” Gabe teases, causing Izzy to blush and make herself seem even more guilty as she tries to rapidly explain that she only peed but there was a big line.

Gabe just smirks at her awkwardness as he loops his arm around me and leads us inside.


As disgusting as it is hearing my brother discussing not only his sex life, but that of one of my closest friends every two minutes, I'm loving getting to see the more playful side of him. A side of him that I thought was long gone, yet somehow Riley has done the impossible and brought it out of him.

I can't help but chuckle as I watch Riley drag him from ride to ride and he follows along like a love sick puppy. I guess that must be what I look like with Bella.

“He looks so happy, doesn't he?” Bella coos from beside me like a proud mother.

“I know. Who knew his face could actually smile without cracking?” I joke back.

“Don't be so mean,” Bella gripes as she swats my chest, but I can see she's dying to laugh as well.

“That was amazing!” Riley says as she comes down from yet another rollercoaster.

“You really need to stop being such a pussy and join us,” Gabe laughs.

“Nope,” I say, shaking my head. “The queasy feeling from your last bright idea is only now starting to ease up.”

“You’ll join me, right Izzy?” Riley asks even though she's already linked arms and virtually dragging Bella towards the next ride.

Bella looks at me with guilty eyes. “You go, I'm fine waiting here,” I tell her.

“Thank you baby,” Bella calls, just as Riley pulls her into the next line.

“Come on Gabe!” Riley shouts as she beckons Gabe over.

“Nah, you go. I need a drink… I mean a soft drink,” Gabe clarifies when Riley gives him a scolding look.

“Never thought I'd see the day Gabe Scott let a woman tell him what to do,” I tease. “Could it be that a certain big brother of mine is whipped?”

“I’m not fucking whipped. No fucker tells me what to do.” Gabe protests, just as Riley runs over and hands him her goddamn purse, which he takes without thinking.

“Yep, definitely not whipped,” I laugh.

“Oh fuck off. Like you're not completely whipped, too. I’ve seen you running around like Isabella’s little lapdog,” Gabe huffs.

“Yup, the difference is that I'm not ashamed to admit it. I love my girl and would do absolutely anything to make her happy… What's your excuse?”

“Well… I… it's just,” Gabe stutters.